Secrets Part 6: Into The Cold And Through It

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On the next day, Taylor found herself pulling her sweater up as it begins to slip from her shoulders. She was shivering from the cold weather and there was just nothing better that can give her warmth at that particular moment.  She rubbed her hands together and breathed through them out of the thought that it might help, but it still wasn't enough. 

It was late, on Taylor's assumption, she believes it might be around 2 am already considering how the hall looked empty and how the lights were partially dimmed. She was sitting on a bench outside, not too far from his room, because she had nowhere else to go. 

Two hours ago, Adam's parents arrived at the hospital from their long flight from Scotland. She offered to leave the room to give them privacy but David and Pamela both disagreed on Taylor's suggestion, telling her that she can stay, but Taylor still insisted, knowing how much they needed this moment to be alone with their son. 

It wasn't the kind of scenario that you would really want to witness. The tears, the tired eyes, the eerie silence. The mourning. The sickening feeling of not knowing anything. The waiting. For the past couple of days, it has been like this for Taylor. The highs and lows of the manner on how things escalated seemed to her like this whole thing was a very long roller coaster ride. But she was tired, she was drained and she was hopeless at the same time. 

She thought, what's the point? What if Adam doesn't even want her there? That if he wakes up and sees her, he wouldn't even care, he wouldn't even consider looking at her eyes or even acknowledge her presence. That after everything, he'll just dismiss her like a total stranger. She sees them all in her head and she suddenly was afraid. It's the worst feeling in the world, to overthink things through and actually have those scenarios happen, it's sad, it's unfair, but it's just how her mind works. There's all the chances to give up and just go, leave like nothing happened and move on for the rest of her life, but Taylor is too tough to run away. After everything that she has gone through, this is what she's good at, to stay even the chances become rough, to remain with the one that she loves the most so she would put up a fight for this. She will stay no matter what. 

Through an emotional distress, she rubbed her eyes to try to wipe the sleep off from them, but she only ended up with a subtle yawn, appearing like more of a sigh than anything else. The frigid atmosphere hasn't subsided yet either, the lights didn't appear brighter, the hallway remained silent, and she was still alone without the comfort from anybody. She leaned her head on the wall and attempted to close her eyes to rest but her body just cannot stop to shiver from the cold, even her chin is now trembling from the uncomfortable drop of temperature. 

She did everything to keep herself warm, she even stood up and walked to the coffee vending  machine just at the corner of the corridor, only to find out that it was defective, so once again, she returned back to her seat due to lack of options, she felt defeated, she didn't have much to do, she remained uncomfortable and in low spirits while the rest of the world moves on. 

Taylor sat there, struggling for warmth, her shoulders now droopy and her throat, sore. She had her arms crossed, the right overlapping the other while her free hand was rubbing the upper portion of her left arm and unexpectedly, it was working, the friction from her hand to her arm suddenly provides her a little bit of warmth and she was so relieved about it that she began to close her eyes and sigh in contentment. She may now be able to take a nap, she thought. Then suddenly,she was then again interrupted with the sound of footsteps slowly approaching. She sat upright and just gave up.

"Miss, it's getting late. You've been here all day, I'm sure it's okay to leave. He seems stable." Said the middle aged nurse that she has seen a few times already.

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