Secrets Part 7: Montage

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Fluttering, his eyelids- He was constantly trying to keep his eyes open despite the force that battles to keep them tightly shut. He was lifting his fingers-  He knows he was moving, but he really was not. He can hear unusual sounds that seemed so unfamiliar to him, the beeping noise, the alarms, the commotion. Was it just all in his head? Or was this a result of something unlikely that he got into?

 He doesn't know. He doesn't remember.

He felt as if he was being held in captive, he could not move, he tried to talk but all that comes out from his mouth was just a groan. He wanted to formulate a word to say, but he couldn't because there was an obstruction down his throat and he was immediately starting to choke as soon as he opened his mouth. 

"Mr. Wiles, please stay still." He heard someone talk and the voice doesn't seem too far away from where he was. Adam was now coughing and gasping for air as the tube that was placed in his throat is now preventing him to breathe on his own. The doctors know what is happening, but does he? 

"Page Doctor Robin ASAP!" He heard someone uttered firmly. Then there was the commotion. 

Everything started to fade into black again for him, the sign that he falls back into being unconscious once again but it didn't last that long, thankfully, it didn't last because after a few seconds, he comes back. Then faints again. Then comes back. The current sequence of events sent everyone into panic.  It was just like a faulty light bulb that flickers then fades out. One minute, he's awake, then after the other, he's out. It seemed like a cycle, but everytime he becomes conscious, he gets far more lost than he already is on how the world moves on around him while he does not. He can hear how the muffled voices echoing through the walls and that alone gives a massive headache to him. It was only then when the muffled voices starts to slowly become clear until he was able to hear everything.  

  Adam was so confused as he could hear people shuffling in and out of the place. His head began throbbing, then he became nauseous and claustrophobic. He can feel a lot of things all at the same time, he tried to move but he could feel pain shooting from every time he would try to even make the slightest gesture. he was already awake but could barely keep his eyes open.   

"He's choking. Take the tube out, he's breathing on his own." The same voice once again resurfaced as Adam could hear rustling sounds surrounding him. He felt like he was starting to lose oxygen, he felt as if he was about to black out again, until he felt a strong force pulling what was in his throat off and now he can finally breathe. He was gasping for air, he couldn't pay attention on how his chest rapidly rose and fell. What was going on? He thought.

"Okay, let's not crowd him, he's going to be a little confused, let's give him some room." The doctor ordered as they begin to remove him from intubation and soon, they made him wear a mask to supply him with the appropriate amount of oxygen he needs.

"Mr. Wiles- Mr. Wiles? Can you hear me?" Adam wanted to say 'yes' but he was way too disoriented to even open his eyes so he just nodded his head.

He can hear everything. He can hear every word they said but he wishes that he couldn't because nothing seems to make sense to him. 

"Nurse, I think we should wake Ms. Swift to-" He ordered in a monotone voice, looking at Taylor's direction who was heavily asleep on the couch across the hospital bed at that time. She must have been exhausted for being awake for the past few nights, she hasn't gotten any proper sleep really. But before the doctor could even finish his sentence, Taylor shoot up, now wide awake.

"What's going on- Is he, What's going on?" Taylor panicked.

"Ms. Swift, he's waking up." Doctor Robin gladly informed her as he makes his way over the other side to operate the beeping machines.

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