The Almighty Row Part 2

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Adam didn't really have anywhere else to go, when he stormed out, he didn't thought much about it- he just wanted to catch some air and no, he can't come back home just yet, because if this was a game that Taylor wants to play, he's in it, but for the right reasons, hopefully.  At the back of his mind, he did recall Taylor telling him about her brother being in town so he called him and asked if it was alright if he'd come over, it's better to vent to her brother than to his friends, at least he won't poke fun at him for storming out, he thought.  But then he opted to meet with Austin because he's the only one who can understand the situation better, having known his sister his entire life. Adam was clearly in need of help and at that moment, Austin was the best choice to go to.

"Hey, it's quite strange that you wanted to hangout all of a sudden. What happened?" Austin asked when he greeted him at the door of his apartment. He lead him to the living room and there, the two men settled opposing each other. Austin knew there was something between Adam and Taylor. You just don't expect Adam Wiles to show up on your door at a very random hour with no apparent reason at all.

"It's your sister. She's- God, I don't know what to do with her, she's driving me crazy." Austin only smirked when Adam confirmed his initial thought. "Oh she's at it again, is she?" Taylor's brother gave reference to the recurring events. He knows.

"Yah. It's insane. She hasn't been home for 2 weeks. I haven't even had a decent conversation with her without work related interruptions. I mean, mate,  I get it, she only wants her hard work to pay off at the end but this is just below the belt." Adam replied, quite relieved that he has the luxury to go talk to someone about this matter and not just end up in a bar and come home heavily intoxicated like most men do. For him, hard liquor only adds up to the problem, it is not the direction he imagines himself taking. 

"I'm guessing you stormed out. Didn't you? That's why you're here." Taylor's brother mentioned his assumption with a smirk plastered across his face. "Well can you blame me?" The Scottish lad reverted the question and Austin just shrugged his shoulders.

"She has the tendency to be consumed by her work, you know that."

"...I do, we've been there before but the thing is, she just brought it to a whole new level. She has been zoning out, For God sake, she has even forgotten to eat sometimes and she's getting thinner and pale, and she's growing bags under her eyes, she's losing sleep over work. How are you going to convince me not to get worried about her when she's always so stressed out but still keeps on pushing herself anyway?" He fought for what he was trying to point out. " She just arrived at home last night and she went straight to bed, we didn't even have a chance to talk. She didn't even eat- And just this morning, I woke up and she was already out of the bed." He ranted and Austin kept on listening to try to weave the recent happenings together. " Guess where I found her-" Adam challenged him and cocked his head to the side.

"Go on, tell me." Austin responded, letting his soon to be brother- in- law, to vent more. 

"I found her at the study. She was again having a phone call with Tree while going through her business emails. What normal person works straight up at 7 in the morning? Come on mate, is your sister high or what?"

"Teffy can be a pain in the ass. But I'm pretty sure she'll need to have a break from it soon or you know, 'it' will attack again." Austin agreed, giving reference to her anxiety attacks that he thinks would happen again soon if she would keep on going with her routine. This has happened before and it was not a sight anybody would want to see. When Taylor suffers, she suffers hard. It was her lowest point, she punishes herself hard and it has been such a difficult situation ever since then. Austin's on Adam's side on this, he knows that he only cares  for her, and as her brother, he is very thankful that Adam is willing to go above and beyond for his sister. This hasn't happen with the other guys that Taylor has dated before, mostly, when they already get what they want- they leave, it's just how it goes and it's awful. But with Adam, let all hell break lose and he'd still be there with her- no, he'd still be there for her. 

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