One of Those Nights

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Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight.

It was a typical night in the Wiles' household. Taylor and Adam had just gotten into bed after a very long day. The couple were both very tired, considering the fact that they have both been busy, Adam was spontaneously working in the studio for the most part of the day, while Taylor consumes her time through running errands and doing chores around the house, as per usual.

Taylor began to stir on the bed as she heard muffled sounds from the baby monitor, their 3 year old daughter must have been awoken by the roar of the thunder. It has been raining the whole day, and earlier, Taylor learned from the evening weather forecast that there would be a storm coming. It has barely been an hour since she closed her eyes and was able to drift into a light sleep so she nudged Adam, hoping he'd take his turn in tending to their daughter, but she groaned when she opened her eyes and found out that Adam was still sound asleep with his mouth slightly open, unwavered and oblivious of the situation.

"He must have been very tired." She thought to herself and accepted it as a valid excuse, after all, she, herself, witnessed how dedicated her husband is in everything that he does, Adam has been an exceptional husband and  a very loving father to their 3 year old daughter. When he's not at home with them, he's usually in the studio, recording or producing new tracks or he's playing  gigs at events, but that doesn't happen often because Taylor and Adam both agreed that they wanted to be hands-on in raising their child and they both wanted and opted to be there for her for as often as they can. Sure, they may have not been spending a lot of time together lately, but Taylor knows that he's just working hard for the sake of their little family.

She placed a soft kiss on Adam's nose before gently removing herself from his warm embrace , taking a peak at the window, only to see a very gloomy atmosphere outside with the rain and the thick fog that was almost already covering the neighborhood, she closed the curtains then proceeded to the nursery just right across their room where the soft whimpers were coming from.

Taylor gently opened the door and peaked on the gap, and there, she found her daughter whimpering as she slightly holds onto her reindeer stuffed animal that was given by her Grandma Andrea, Taylor's mother. She smiled at the thought of how adorable her daughter looked and proceeded inside the room to tend to the youngest member of the family. The blonde-haired little girl's eyes lit up when she was greeted by her mother's warm smile.

She reached out for her mother and Taylor gladly picked her daughter up and immediately wrapped her in her arms without any hesitation.

The little one started sniffling as Taylor sat her on her lap and began to rub her back to ease her.

"What's wrong baby girl?" Taylor asked in a form of a whisper. She turned her daughter to face her so she'd be able to wipe her tears with her thumb.

"I scawed mommy..." The toddler tried to say in between sobbing, she was partly hiccupping but she can't help it. Taylor saw the fear ingrained in her daughter's eyes and her heart melted right then and there.

"Oh baby" She hugged her 3 year old tighter as she was still shaking. "Are you scared of the thunder, did it wake you up?" 

Her daughter nodded and clung to her mommy even more, burying her face in the crook of her mother's neck and hiding there as if it was her safe haven.

"Awww, don't worry babe. You're okay now, mommy's already here." She cooed to her daughter soothingly, stroking her hair with her fingers and that seemed to calm her down a bit.

Taylor knew how her daughter has been afraid of the thunder, most of the kids are, it's just one of those things that are common to them and she understands why. She was also aware that the coming of thunder won't cease any time soon and would just probably get louder considering the heavy rainfall outside. She knew it won't do any good if she'll let her daughter to stay there on the nursery alone and she doubts that the little one would be able to sleep well and that would surely make her fuzzy in the morning, so she thought of the next best thing.

"Do you want to sleep with daddy and I tonight?" She  asked and the 3 year old nodded almost immediately.

"Let's go ask daddy if you can stay with us tonight, okay?" And with that, she stood up and carried her darling daughter, balancing her on her right hip out from the nursery, making sure that she didn't forget her beloved stuffed animal because the little one would not be able to sleep without it.

She opened the door to the master bedroom and was surprised to find Adam laying awake on the bed.

"You're awake?"

"Yah, I felt that you weren't in the bed with me, I was about to go out and look for you." He responded as he rubbed the sleep off from his eyes.

"Oh, sorry..." She apologized.

"No, it's fine." He uttered with a smile. "What about my little princess? What's wrong?" He asked and reached for their daughter, Taylor gladly passed him the baby girl who still has tears on her eyes and joined her and Adam on the bed.

"I heard her crying through the baby monitor so I came to tend to her, she must have been terrified of the thunder." Taylor filled her husband in as she pulled the duvet to cover them.

"Awww, my poor baby. Is that true? hmmm?" Adam asked as he lovingly caressed his baby girl's now flushed cheeks and she nodded with her bottom lip sticking out. Both Taylor and Adam watched their only daughter in awe, still amazed by the mere fact that they have both created this wonderful human being.

"Actually, babe, I brought her in to sleep with us tonight, I can't leave her in her room alone. I hope it's okay." Taylor uttered and tucked a stray strand of the little girl's hair behind her ear.

"Of course it is." Adam warmly responded as he held Taylor's hand and plastered her a smile  and she gladly reciprocated the kind gesture, then he  turned to their daughter and asked her himself. "Do you want to sleep between mommy and daddy tonight baby?"

The 3 year old didn't respond, but instead, she hugged her daddy tighter and tucked her head into the crook of her father's neck, almost refusing to let go, just like what she did with her mother earlier that night. That simple gesture earned a hearty chuckle from both Taylor and Adam.

"I guess I'll take that as a yes?" Adam uttered and snickered once more, pulling Taylor closer by his free arm at the same time so they were all snuggling together under the warm comforter on a rainy night.



There you go guys, a new part just to lighten up the mood around here. I hope I can update as much in the next coming days. Send me some story suggestions and I'll see what I can do about it. 

Stay tuned.


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