The Almighty Row

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Taylor has been having a hard time keeping up with the people around her ever since the start of May. She has been out and about in recording studios, flying back and forth from Nashville and Los Angeles, where she and Adam share a home. She has been busy, and not just the typical definition of busy. It's the kind of busy where she already forgets to eat her meals, she has bailed on a few gatherings of her family and friends, she has been constantly declining their invitations- but it's not like she did that on purpose, although this doesn't seem like the usual Taylor as well so it makes the people around her really concerned about her well being.

The pressure seems to be getting the best of her, to release an album that can surpass the worldwide success of 1989. There's a big load on top of her shoulders because if this doesn't turn out well, the blame's all on her and all her efforts would backfire, and of course, she doesn't want that to happen. That's why the making of this album has already been invading more than half of her time and more likely, it is already affecting her personal life. 

She kept on overthinking and over analyzing all the possibilities that could go wrong, but somehow, she has missed out on the idea that her and Adam's relationship could already be beginning to hit its rock bottom.

Meanwhile,  Adam has gotten the heck of it. He hasn't seen Taylor for quite a while because she hasn't been home for 2 straight weeks and that pattern has been going on for several months now. Their usual routine consists of just a few quick phone calls, text messages and face time sessions here and there, but that will never be enough. While it may be true that they have already surpassed the struggles of their long distance relationship since they got back together, unfortunately, at this point in their life, their relationship is starting to need a lot of work. 

Taylor just arrived back in their Los Angeles home the previous night after a long week of management and label meetings in preparation for her 6th album, which happened to be held in Nashville. When she reached home, she just kissed and bid Adam goodnight and went up straight to bed because her energy was already drained and her 5 hour flight didn't do her any justice. They have called it an early night and Adam wasn't very pleased, he was left in the dining, eating the dinner that he prepared, alone, when he expected Taylor to be there eating with him. It was not his ideal kind of evening and although he wouldn't admit to it, he was very upset. He missed Taylor, he would like to spend quality time with her, but lately, she's been really busy that the time that they got to spend together is becoming less and less as the release date of the album approaches.

Then in the morning, when Adam woke up, he turned to face Taylor, only to find out that she was no longer at her own side of the bed next to him. When he went down, neither was she in the kitchen where he thought she could be. Do you know where Adam found her? He found Taylor on their study area while going along her emails as she talks on the phone with her publicist once again. And because he doesn't want to start a fight early in the morning, he let it go. He waited until the phone conversation was over, then he came in to call her for breakfast. They both proceeded to the kitchen together where he found out that Taylor has already made them breakfast, and then he thought that this day wasn't so bad after all, as we was still unaware of what would happen next.

Now, Adam was talking about how much he wanted to spend a day with her while she was there in LA. He has been telling her his plans, how his ideas of how their day together could be but he noticed Taylor zoning out of the conversation every now and then. At first, he was letting it pass but little by little, her drifting off was slowly starting to irritate him until he cannot hold it any longer.

"What?" Taylor, who was again clueless of the progress of the conversation, asked.

"Jesus Christ, are you thinking about the album again?!" He spat out.

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