For When The Time Comes

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Adam emerged from outside their hallway, balancing a cup of tea and a plate of a few slices of buttered toast that he made for his wife on both of his hands strangely at the wee hours of the night. Taylor hasn't been feeling good and has been complaining of cramping that started just about 2 hours prior and Adam tried to do everything he can to be there for her. She is terrified, and Adam knew that as he was too, but at this particular moment, he was trying everything he can to not show her that side of him because he knows that it just won't do her any good. For all he knows, Taylor could be thinking of a lot of things right now, worrying, stressing, and overthinking- just being her natural self, and he does not want to add up to that.

"Hey, how have you been feeling?" He asked ever so softly, setting the cup of tea that he made just for her on her nightstand and the plate just beside her on the bed, totally forgetting to bring the foldable wooden breakfast table as his mind was drifting all over the place already.

"I just don't know if that's the right term but it just hurts. It's like stomach pain but more than that-" She trailed off, motioning to lay on her side this time so she can face him.

"Can you describe it- are you nauseous as well, your stomach's kinda hurting? Tightening at all?"

 "Nauseous too." She began before mustering up the energy to proceed. "It's not really like a contraction co'z contractions are- but it is in a sense of like it comes then goes away." Taylor went on in a manner that seemed more like a question form rather than a statement alone as she was not sure herself on what was going on and the thought of being uncertain just sends her over the edge.

"But I don't know. I was reading earlier about gas and stuff and I wonder if it's just gas pain or something. I don't know apparently but that's like a bit of that right now."She almost said in a single breath before once again whimpering as another wave of pain hit her in her midsection. "It just hurts." She let out a labored breath before squeezing her eyes shut again. Adam leaned closer and caressed her arm to try to comfort her, hoping that this little gesture can help even in the tiniest bit.

"It's okay, we'll watch out for what's to come and I'll just be here." The Scottish man assured his wife, holding her almost limp hand in his- delicately, bringing hers close to his lips and leaving a comforting kiss on it. "You're going to be okay, the baby's going to be fine. I promise." He spoke confidently of something he is uncertain about. 

Taylor laid there helplessly, tossing and turning on their king sized bed for an agonizing half an hour that seemed like an eternity for her as she tried to mask out the strangely huge amount of pain that she was suffering from. 

She was freaking out- hell, that seemed to be an understatement, but she was truly coming apart at the seams. In her head, this could go a lot of ways and she is just terrified for her baby and for herself. At only 26 weeks, she knew something like this could be critical. And the thought of having preterm labor and the baby having a very little chance of surviving frightens her. 

This time, she almost sat up with the very little amount of energy she has left with her as she agonized in pain, howling and whimpering as she cried out altogether while suddenly feeling a boatload of pressure on her pelvis now.

"What is it?"

"I- I don't know." She answered in a shaky breath. "It just hurts a lot now." She groaned once again, gripping the sheets as if holding onto them for dear life. "Pressure-" She trailed off.

"Like in your stomach?" Adam asked worriedly, staying closely, but Taylor didn't say a word and just nodded. "We may need to go in babe. That's not normal." That was all he was able to say as he was having a hard time watching his wife going through great lengths of pain like this. He has been rubbing her back unreservedly and applying pressure near the bottom of her spine every now and then for almost half an hour, thinking it's the least thing he can do to help her.

"Do you want me to call your doctor?" Adam asked, his thick Scottish accent only getting more prominent as he leaned closer to Taylor who has her forehead creased and her eyes tightly shut. Taylor has been dodging Adam's suggestion for the past hour, being her stubborn self, but this time, another huge wave of pain finally convinced her to agree to his proposition and he dialed her doctor's number right away.

"I don't know if it is gas pain or something. I just- this is my first pregnancy and this hasn't happened to me before. " She replied in mid- conversation. "How many weeks are you again?" Adam heard from the other end of the line as she has it on speaker phone. "26- yah. Sharp pain on my left side." Taylor responded, followed by an overwhelming amount of cramping on her left side and everything seemed to be blurry from there. Taylor's OB-GYN suggested that it's probably the best for her to go in the emergency room as this can be something more serious than what it seems to be and that she will have to undergo a series of tests.

After the phonecall has ended and the young couple was able to process everything, Taylor immediately asked Adam to call her mom for her and tell her that she's going in for emergency for a suspected preterm labor.

The truth was- none of them knew about the great lengths that they are about to go through and the pain that Taylor has yet to endure. 



I'm sorry if it took me a while before I was able to update again after the previous one, but hey, here we are with a new one. It's not as long, but I hope you'd take time to go through it. Let me know if you still want me to update. Thank you.


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