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I haven't updated in a while. I'm sorry. I've been busy with life (even if I don't want to) I want to put up a chapter soon but...I haven't really been writing.

By haven't been writing mean I haven't been able to finish up my chapters that are already in the works and writing new chapters. Annd I've been struggling to write. I know what to write but I can't write it! This really pisses me off.

Sure, I finish writing 1 chapter but I don't feel like that's enough. I'm that kind of person who writes a bunch of chapters before publishing any. I'm a lazy person. I do things beforehand so I can laze around.

I guess I'll let you guys in with my life so far. Well, my camp finished about 2 or 3 days ago. And I got my mid year results the day before (my mom had a full on conversation with my teacher and I didn't talk much).

The semester has ended and that I don't have to go to school during the Holidays. So that's a plus. Buut the bad side is that I've got a ton of homework. I need to study for my end of the year exams and to maintain my grades.

Umm, fasting month. I sleep alot during this period of time. Yeah, that's something I do.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Again, I apologise for taking a while to publish a chapter.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day! (´• ω •')ノ

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