{14} Deception

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~ Your POV ~

"Do you have to go?" He asked, holding me in his arms.

"Of course I have to," I giggled, "When I come back, I'll pay all of my attention on you!"

"But that's such a long time! I want you noww!" Vylad whined.

Sticking my tongue, "Well, if you want me, you'll have to wait!"

"Come back soon, ya?"

I smiled gently at him before getting off the bed and grabbing my bag.

"Don't worry, Little Pea."

And with that, I exited his room and his apartment.

I can't wait to come back after work. Just thinking about it makes my heart feel so bubbly.


"Y/N, did you bring the thing I asked for?" Aaron asked as he came up to me.

"What thing?" I asked back.

"The thing I asked you for Aph."

"Huh-- Oh, yeah!" I exclaimed, going over to my bag and rummaged through it in order to find the item Aaron requested for.

Firstly, I checked the sides.


The back.


The front.

Still nope.

It has to be at the bottom somewhere.


Frustrated, I flipped my bag upside down. I smiled as I watched every item my bag had fall. After a few seconds, air is the only thing in my bag, that is when I searched for the item Aaron asked for in the pile of my other belongings.

Guess what?

It's not there.

That was when I realised I left the item in Vylad's room.

"Aaron...I forgot to put it in my bag," I whispered, avoiding eye contact with him.

"It's important..." He sighed.

"I know! Umm, maybe I, I, I can go get it!"

"Y/N, you live about an hour from here."

Shaking my head, I replied, "It's actually at Vylad's."

"Oh, then, I guess you can go get it," He said, "But come back asap."

"Got it!" I started packing, well its more to stuffing, my things back in ny bag.

Once done, I grabbed my bag and dashed to Vylad's. Fortunately, he lives relatively nearby. It should take a few minutes to reach there if I run.

And so I did.

Even though I despised every second of it.


I took out his apartment key, without wasting any time and unlocked the door. The blueish-green wallpaper greeted me with pictures framed neatly.

As I stepped inside, the first thing I sw was the turtle plushie I got Vylad for his birthday. I smiled, recalling the celebration we had at the cafe.

Noises snapped me back to reality. I raised my eyebrows when I listened to the noise closely.


I walked to the source, but stopped myself.

This situation seems familiar...

Then I remembered. The dream.

Please don't be what I'm thinking.

Reluctantly, I took a peek into the living room, the source of the sounds. My eyes widened, mouth agape.




Random girl.

Making out.

Tears began flooding my face, I fell onto my knees as I curled myself into a ball.

No. This is another nightmare. Nononononononononono!

"Vylad, babe, whose she?" The girl asked, pointing at me.

I slowly looked up at them.

"Hmm, her? Don't worry about her, she's just a nobody." He replied.

It's just like it. He cheated. He did this.

I began glaring at them. If only glares could kill.

"A nobody, huh?" I muttered, getting up slowly, "I knew I should've take you back."

"A liar. Your nothing but a liar," I continued, "Everything you do is a lie. Those fond memories I had are all lies. You never loved me."


"I shouldn't have bothered with somebody like you," I kept going on, "Pathetic. Your so attention seeking. I hate it. No, I despise it."

Glaring, "I despise people like you. Your not worth my trust, my love. No, your not worth anyone's trust, anyone's love."

I walked out of the living room and into his bedroom, to obtain the item Aaron asked for. Then I'm out.

Just as I reached for the doorknob, Vylad reached out to me and held my hand.

"Y/N, please, listen to me."

"No thanks. I have better things to do." I replied, breaking the link between our hands. "Your not worth listening to either."


Shit just got real

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