{13} His Side

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~ Vylad's POV ~

I walked towards Kat's (If your name is Kat, feel free to change this girl's name) house. It's been a while since I last saw her. The last time I saw her was when Y/N and I got back together...I think. Since then I stopped all contact with her.

Why? Well, during my trip, Kat was my love interest. Yeah...that's how I met her.

She was surprised when I called her this morning. Well, it's really not that surprising considering I've been avoiding her. Oh well.

I'm having mixed feelings about this. I'm ecstatic to see her again yet I disagree with my actions...

...I'm using Kat

Why? Y/N. Ever since the cafe's grand opening, she's been busy. Far too busy. It's not entirely her fault. I, too, have a job. Whenever we made plans, it won't happen. Mainly because our jobs clashed each other.

It's a shame, really. I haven't been seeing Y/N alot. Even on the weekends. Whenever I'm free, I stopped by her place only to find her knocked out.

I'm hoping maybe Kat can help me. I feel horrible, yea, but I'm more than willing to do anything to rid of this feeling.

As I stepped on his porch, raised my hand that was clutched, I began having second thoughts.

I shouldn't be doing this. I told Y/N I won't mess up. I promised her. 'Sides, this...this is wrong. All the effort you put in just to be with her again will go to waste!

I shook my head, assuring myself, "I know what I said, but, this isn't my fault. If Y/N didn't been so busy, I wouldn't be here. If only she didn't work at the maid cafe."

Before my thoughts could protest, the door suddenly opened, revealing the long blonde haired with emerald green eyes.


Smiling, she greeted, "Hey, Vylad! Long time no see!"


"Come on in!" She grabbed my arm and gave it a tug, startling me and causing me to almost fall forward.

"Heh, been a while since we last talked," She giggled, "Or kept in contact."

Scratching my neck while avoiding eye contact, I apologised, "I'm sorry about what happened..."
"Hmph," She pouted as she grabbed me by my hand, leading me to the living room and sat down on a couch.

"Tell me," She started, "Why you avoided me."

Letting a sigh, I told her about Y/N.


"So, now, your here because she's been avoiding you?"
"I wouldn't say avoiding."
"She's...busy with...things."
"And while doing so, she's been neglecting her boyfriend."

Without any hesitation, she continued, "How could one be a significant other if they don't even pay attention to the other one?"

"Kat, its--."

"What? It's not her fault? To be honest, if I were you, I would have dump her."

"And, I'll go for Kat cause I know she won't do anything like that," She added, smirking.

I paused, head looking at the carpeted floor. Slowly, I began looking up, making eye contact with Kat. She smirked, as if she knows what's going on.

She reached out to me, hand caressing my cheek, smiling.

No. Stop.

But she continued.

No stop. Stop! Stop! Stop!

She continued.


But I didn't.

"Heh, your so adorable," She told me, leaning forward.

Before I knew it, she planted her lips onto mine. My eyes widened, but shortly began to close, enjoying every second of the kiss.



Well then.

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