{12} Just A Dream

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Before ya begin reading the chap, imma tell ya when ill upload which is if I have at least 3 chaps already written. I have no idea when or how long it'll take but yeah.

Heres the chap (short) but still a chap nevertheless! Enjoy!


I woke up with a fast heartbeat and short breaths.

"It was only just a dream..." I assured myself. "He...he won't cheat on me, I'm sure."

I got out of bed and went to get breakfast. I sat on the couch while taking bite out of it.

I jumped when I heard my ringtone. Looking at my phone, I noticed an unknown caller. Curiosity quickly took over me.

"Y/N!" A familiar voice was heard on the other line.

"Oh hey, Val."
"Hey! So, I'm bored..."
"Wait, is this Valerie or bored?"

As soon as those words came out of my mouth, I heard loud sighing.

"Anyway, you wanna come over?"
"Yeah sure, that'll be awesome."
"Girl, we got a ton of things to talk about!"
"Yeah! Gimme your address?"
"I'll text you in a bit. See ya later, Y/N!"

I chuckled as I hung up. As expected, Valerie sent her address via text.

Dang, she lives in this neighborhood.

I got my things and began making my way to her house.


"Y/N? You okay?" Val asked. Anyone could tell that she was worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied, giving her a small smile.

"You know, lying to me is futile."
"I'm sorry...I just don't want to talk about it."
"That's fine, but you should know that sometimes talking it out might help ease you."

Tell her.

"Val..." I started, quickly getting her attention, "I had a dream yesterday...a nightmare,  perhaps."

I glanced at her for a few seconds, expecting a response. I sighed before continuing.

"I have a boyfriend, Vylad. This dream felt so surreal. In the beginning, I was in what seems to be oblivion. Then, I heard noises. I went towards the source but I saw nothing. Shortly after, I heard Vylad's and a girl's voice. She called him adorable but Vylad said that she's even more adorable. The next thing I know, I was in his hallway. I walked for a bit but stopped when I saw them in the living room..." I paused, as tears began streaming down my face.

Valerie noticed this and pulled me into a hug.

I wiped my tears, before continuing, not breaking the hug. "The girl was straddling him and their lips were locked. The girl noticed me and asked Vylad about me. 'Don't worry about her, she's a nobody' were his words..."

"This...Vylad. What can you tell me about him?" Val asked.

And so, I told her.


"He...he won't cheat on me, right?" I asked softly, as tears made their way down my face once more.

"I don't think he will," She assured me, wiping away my tears with her thumb, "He promised you he won't mess up, didn't he?"

I nodded in response.

Smiling sweetly at me, she continued, "Then, I bet he won't do anything stupid that can ruin his relationship with you. 'Sides, who wouldn't want you as their girlfriend?"

I chuckled at her comment, playfully punching her shoulder. I forgot that Val could cheer me up with such ease.

"Now that your better, lets watch {show} together!"


🎵 It was only just a dream 🎵

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