Chapter 6 Vacation in the Philippines part 1-11

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I was packing up my bags and our flight is in 2 hours and so I called​ Yaya. I said "hello Yaya are you awake" I said. and she replied.

Yaya: yup I'm awake I packed my things and ready to go...!

"Ok you have to call boboiboy and Ying. And I gonna call Fang and Gopal our flight is in 2 hours ok?" I said. And she said.

Yaya: ok and bye!

I replied. "Bye!" And I ended call her and I text fang.

Rin Chan: hey Fang are you awake wake up you sleepyhead is 1:00 early in the morning. Wake up!

yeah I'm awake. I packed my bag and ready to go...! :Fang

Rin Chan: ok meet me at my house our flight is In 2 hours.

ok bye! :Fang

After that I text Gopal.

Rin Chan: oy sleepyhead​wake up our flight is in 2 hours. Wake up!

Yup I'm awake and I packed my bag and ready to go! :Gopal

Rin Chan: ok meet me at my house. Fast. And bye..!

Bye!! :Gopal

After that I heard someone knocking at my door. I opened it and I saw ying Gopal and fang. They were carrying their bags. I said. "You guys are fast co'mn let's wait for the others." And they said.

Ying Gopal and fang: okie. *Sits at the couch and watching TV*

End of my POV:

Boboiboy's POV:

I was wearing my jacket and grandad hugged me he said.

Tok aba: Good bye my grand son. Take care of your self I love you.

Ochobot: huhuhu~ me too boboiboy I will miss you I love you too boboiboy. *Hugged him*

I said "don't worry grandad and ochobot I will be back for 11 days" I hugged them and I said "I love you grandad and ochobot" I waved my hand and walk outside the door. I looked at my watch is 1:23 early in the morning. I said. "Yes I have more time" and then Yaya called me I said. "Hello Yaya what's up?" And she replied.

Yaya: boboiboy did you packed your bag?

"Yep I'm on my way to pick you up." I said. And she replied.

Yaya: ok meet me there...! Bye!

"Bye Precious~" I said. And she replied.

Yaya: what did you said?

I freaked out quietly "Ah.. nothing...! And bye!" Why did I said that.

Yaya: ok bye *ended call*

End of Boboiboy's POV:

5 minutes later.

No one's POV:

After Yaya and boboiboy arrived at Rin Chan's house...

Knock! knock!

Rin Chan/author(remember it ok): oh boboiboy & Yaya is here ok guys go out side and hold each other hand okay?

Gopal: why?

Rin Chan: NO MORE QUESTIONS!!! >=(

Gopal: okay okay okay.

The gang hold each other hand.

Rin Chan: super duper electric speed! *Speed off with the gang*

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