Komari really kissed kaizo!!! | Vacation in the Philippines part 10-11

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(A/N): hey guys this chapter will be playing truth or dare..!

Ying: let's play truth or dare there's nothing to do today!...

Komari: count me in! How about you guys if not I'm gonna slice you in a million pieces!

The gang: *gulps* yes we're joining too!..

Gopal: to not gonna get killed...!

Playing truth or dare...

Komari: *spin the bottle*

The bottle points to fang and Gopal...

Boboiboy: hey I have an idea! *Slots into 7*

Cyclone: we wanna join too!

Fang: ok! Gopal truth or dare?

Gopal: truth!

Fang: who's your crush?

Gopal: umm..... It's....it's.... Komari Chan!

Kaizo and Gopal: *glared at each other*

Yaya and thunderstorm: haa~ fighting over komari...! Huh? *Looks at each other* *blushed*

All the boboiboys: *Mad at thunderstorm*

Fang: *spins the bottle*

The bottle points to cyclone and Blaze...

Blaze: haha! Cyclone truth or dare?

Cyclone: dare!

Blaze: I dare you to wear a Pikachu costume for the whole game!... Hehehehe *takes out camera*

All the gang and boboiboys : *takes out their camera*

Thorn: but we don't have a Pikachu costume?....

Solar and komari: don't worry we have a pickachu costume for you!... Huh *glared at each other*

Komari: mine is cuter than yours!

Solar: in your dreams mine is fabulous than yours!

Komari and solar: grr! *Glared at each other*

Quake: so what do you decide cyclone?

Ying and Yaya: *in their mind* " please be Komari!"

Cyclone: Komari Chan!

Komari: Yas! In your dreams solar! *Pokes solar*

Solar: (-_-)

After cyclone wear the pickachu costume...

All (minus cyclone) : wow~! *Takes a picture of cyclone* this will go to the website!!!

Thunderstorm​ and ice: next!

Yaya: *spins the bottle*

The bottle points to Komari and ice...

Ice: okay Komari! Truth or Dare?

Komari: mmm.... Dare!..

Ice and blaze: I dare you to kiss kaizo in the lips! *Takes out the camera*

Ice: *hi 5 with blaze* nice!!..

Kaizo: (0\\\0)

Komari: fine! Dare is a dare but one condition if you recorded that and sent that to the website... You guys are so freaking DEAD! *GRAWR*

Yaya: wow she's just like a lion.

Thorn: your gonna here me roar~! Louder than the lion cause I'm am a-?

The Boboiboys: *sweat dropped* errr? Thorn? What's up with you?

Ying and Gopal: haya let's get this over with!

Komari: *kisses kaizo lips fast* ... (-\\\\-) don't say a single word. Your so dead ice blaze...

Kaizo: ... (@-@) I'm so dizzy *Faints*

Blaze: hehehe yeah aswome!

Ice: Zzz Zzz Zzz

Quake: hey wake up!

Cyclone and Blaze and Thorn: your missing the fun!

Ice: whatevs!.. Zzz Zzz Zzz

After the game ends...

Quake: Boboiboy recombine! *Recombines*

Boboiboy: can I take this pickachu costume off now?

Komari: Yep now give me that!

Fang: hey don't push yourself..! Geez

After boboiboy gave the costume is already night they cleaned the apartment and goes to sleep...

To be continued...

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