vacation in los Angeles 2-11 |Meeting roi wassabi/guava juice!

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All the friends are at the side walk walking...

Komari: yay! You guys ready!

All: Yes! *Tooks out Their othograph* we're so ready!

Fang: and don't forget what did boboiboy do to yaya~

Ying and Komari: eee~ B x Y~ ayiee!!

Boboiboy: shut up! *Blushes*

Yaya: *blushes*... Would you guys shut up!

Gopal: finally.... I can meet my favorite YouTuber!

After they arrived at Roi's house...

Komari: roi! *Knocks at the door* you here?

Roi: wait! *Opens the door* guys!

Gopal: um... R-R-R-Ro-R *little bit nervous*

Boboiboy: oh~ Gopal said-

Fang and ying: he wanna take an othograph

Roi: Really? *Tooks Gopal paper and signed it* happy?

Gopal: *gasp* thank you! Very much!

Yaya: btw are you making a new video?

Komari: of course new video every day!

Roi: yeah! Today I am making a video named "Emoji challenge!"

Boboiboy: so whose gonna be a volunteer?

Gopal and Komari: us of course!

Yaya and ying: you mean you 2?

Gopal: yes!

And the video has been started...

Guava/Roi: Wassup YouTube! Today I'm here with Gopal and Komari!

Komari and Gopal and roi: *screams*

Gopal: okay enough!

Guava/Roi: ok today we're gonna do emoji Challenge!

Komari: so let's get started!

After the video ended...

Fang: wow Gopal you did the right emoji back there!

Gopal: of course! I really copy the emoji!

Ying: and Komari was so rock gurl!

Komari: thank you!

Roi: hey guys let's take a break!

The gang: sure!

And they are all eating and ying was looking at the view drinking her glass of water...
And fang came to her...

Fang: ying are you okay?

Ying: yeah...! Why did you ask?

Fang: I wanna do this!

Ying: what do you- hmph! *Got kissed by fang*

Fang: *kissed her* *release the kiss* now you know~ *winks*

Ying: *blushes + surprised* ...

Komari: oy you 2 love birds let's go at the hotel!

Gopal: hey Komari can I stay and sleep at Roi's house pwease~

Komari: ummm.....? Roi?

Roi: of course he is really a funny and weird man/Friend it mean he can stay...! =D

Gopal: really?! Thank you very much!! I love you so much!!!

Roi: 🎵 can I say exept your welcome!🎵

And the 4 left...

Komari: good night guys!

The 4: good night!

And they sleep and they died the end!

Ok just joking!!!!!! They sleep and went to Dreamland...

To be continued....

Hello readers! Hope you like it!
So please and COMMENT thank you!!

Btw here is guava juice new video! ↓↓↓

It was so halarious and funny! Bwahahaha don't forget to comment and vote!!!
Stay juicy! 🍹🍹🍹 Peace! ✌✌✌

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