chapter 2 she's Better now!

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Gopal POV:

I was thinking that I wanna spy Yaya and boboiboy so I asked fang to join me to spy them and he nodded
So we went upstairs and I was holding my camera to take a picture of them hehe I said "Hey fang selfie time with them. Hehe" and fang replied.

Fang: yes let's go.

So we enter Yaya room we got one picture of them so we went back downstairs. And we were dancing. And Ying came she said.

Ying: Hey what's the matter you 2 huh? And what are you doing upstairs?

I said "nothing ying!" So I dragged fang at the living room he said.

Fang: I wanna see!

''ok'' I said I show him the picture we were laughing and giggling because the picture is so romantic
After that I was yawning and I lay down at the couch and taking a nap their. And fang was laying at the other couch
While ying was helping Rin Chan to gardening plants.and flew to Dreamland.

End of Gopal's POV.


I was gardening the plants and I said to Ying "I have a secret to tell you but don't tell anyone ok?"
She nodded I said "well do you know I always blush when I saw fang brother Kaizo am I right?"

Ying: Yes why?

She replied. And i said "you know I have a crush on him." I said and Ying freaked out.

Ying: REALLY?!?!?!

I said "be quiet I don't want anyone know this. you are my only one I can trust." she nodded and I said again "so will you keep this a secret don't tell this to anyone ok? Promise?" I asked she said.

Ying: Promise cross my heart *crosses her heart*

End of my POV:

Back to boboiboy's POV:

I woke up and something's different I noticed Yaya was standing at the the window looking at the white blue sky
I said "Yaya is that you?" I asked I was sitting at her bed. She said

Yaya: huh? Boboiboy your awake and Thank you for taking care me. *Smiled*

I saw her cute smile and I smiled too I said "Yaya." Yaya noticed me that I'm calling her name. She said.

Yaya: yes?

She asked. I said "Yaya your welcome and you make me happy" I smiled and after that she went near to me and sat at her bed. She hugged me she said.

Yaya: your welcome boboiboy *while hugging him*

And I hugged her too... This is the best day ever I said it softly. And I blushed and smiled. And feel weird why is my heart thumping? Am I In love? And I continued hugging her and she has the same feeling too.

After we realese our hug I said "co'mn down stairs" I helped her to stand. After we arrived down stairs I said "guys Yaya is feeling better now!" They went near to Yaya they hugged her.

Knock! Knock!

I heard someones knocking at the And Rin Chan said.

Rin/the author: I'll get it *opens the door* oh hey yaya's big sister!

Yaya's Big sister: so how's my little sis?

And I said "she's feeling well now." I smiled and Yaya's Big sister asked us.

Yaya's Big sister: so who's the one take care of her?

She asked. And the gang exept for me and yaya. Ying fang Gopal was pointing to me. I blushed of emberestment. She said.

Yaya's Big sister: Aaaw~ thanks boboiboy for taking care of my little sis *patting head* so you guys need to go now is getting late...

Gopal: yeah I think I should go now bye *drags fang*

Fang: hey watch the hair Ow! You always pull my hair! *While dragged by Gopal*

Ying: ok bye *runs with her speed power*

When she left. Me and yaya and her sister are left I said "um....yaya's big sister can I talk to Yaya for a second?"I asked and yaya's big sister nodded and she walked away... I went near to Yaya and I was holding her cheek I said "Get well soon Yaya" I smiled she blushed and I walked away. I said in my mind ""this is the best day ever"" so I continued Walk out side of the door and went to go back home...

After I reached at Tok Aba's shop I said Tok aba! Ochobot! I shouted they said.

Ochobot: hi boboiboy so how's​to take care of Yaya huh *teasing*

I said "stop teasing me" and sat at the chair and drink tok Aba's cocoa. After I yawned.

At the house...

I was at the living room I was getting sleepy so I said "good night ochobot and grandad" so I went upstairs and I was dreaming about Yaya when I sleeping beside her.

End of Boboiboy's POV:

Tok aba and ochobot: Good night.

To be continued~

(A/N): hi guys my hand hurts so much to type this FREAKING STORY!!! well stayed tooned read at the next chapter bye! Ouch my hand.

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