chapter 3 school road trip part 2

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Boboiboy's POV:

I kissed her this was my precious yaya and no one gonna took her cause she's mine.

End of Boboiboy's POV:

At morning...

Fang's POV:

I was the first woke up. And I saw ying sleep beside hehe... she's cute though when she's sleeping...
I tried to wake her up I said. "Hey ying wake up~ is morning already.if you don't want to wake up I will kiss you,you know." And Ying surprised.

Ying: wait what?!

I said "well so that what wake you up when I said I'm going to kiss you hehe" and Ying punched me slowly at the shoulder. I said "co'mn we have to pack our things and go to the bus ok?" She nodded and I helped her to pack her things...

End of Fang's POV:

Boboiboy's POV:

I was sleeping... And Yaya woke me up she said.

Yaya: boboiboy wake up is already morning. Teacher said pack your things and go back to the bus. *While shaking him*

I woke up I said"oh ok and Yaya." I said.

Yaya: Yes?

"Don't leave me and promise me don't you ever break our promise" I said she nodded her head. And we walked to the scouts and we packed our things and after that we go to the bus.

End of Boboiboy's POV:

No one's POV:

When boboiboy and Yaya got to the bus they so Gopal ying fang.
Boboiboy said.


The gang (minus Yaya): Morning!

Yaya: ok I'll go to my seat then. *Walks to her seat*

Boboiboy: same here! *Walks to his seat*

5minutes later...

Driver: we're​ here!

Gopal: yay! We're here! *Drags fang in the hair*

Fang: not the my hair huhuhu~ (T_T)

Boboiboy: hehehe Yeah aswome!

End of no one's POV:

Boboiboy's POV:

I was at my room I was dreaming that me and Yaya are alone... Cause I loved her so much. More than just a friend.
So I went to bed and sleep...

End of Boboiboy's POV:

Yaya's POV:

I was sitting in my bed I was dreaming that me and boboiboy... And I promised him that I will never leave him... I smiled... And went to go back to bed...

End of Yaya's POV:

To be continued~

(A/N): hello guys and the next chapter will be serious that theirs a new student... See you at the next chappy bye!

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