our second wedding! | Vacation i the Philippines part 8-11

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Kaizo: hey guys my cousin is getting married!

Boboiboy: who Brian?

Kaizo: No..! Is Jack..! He's the best one of my cousin! So meet me at the restaurant with pairs ok bye! *Walks away*

Boboiboy's POV:

I walk to Yaya's bed I said " hey wake up you lazy bone" I giggled and Yaya hold my hand she giggled too and she said.

Yaya: *giggled* I'm awake *sits on her bed and goes to the bathroom*

I blushed. I really wanna say this to Yaya that I love her more than just a best friend.... But I'm just 19 and she's 17 I think I should say that when I am 25. =)

End of Boboiboy's POV:

5:00 a.m.

Komari: hey guys co'mn get your pairs and let's go to Kaizo *dreaming him* haa~

Gopal: hey are you ok?

Komari: huh? Um.. Yes! I'm ok! So let's go!

After they arrived at the restaurant that kaizo said...

Fang: hey big bro!

Kaizo: wow you guys are fast co'mn let's see the decorations in the wedding...!

Komari: Count me in kaizo how about you guys?

Yaya and ying: we're in!

Gopal and boboiboy: is so hot!

Boboiboy: Let's go to the bathroom maybe theirs an aircone there.

Gopal: yeah let's go!

After they arrived at the bathroom they saw fang was there near that the aircone he is holding a glass of water with ice...

Boboiboy: aha I have an idea! Boboiboy Ice! *Transform into BBB ice* brr~ so cold and so refreshing~!

Gopal: my turn *gets a tissue* change it into Tok Aba's chocolate shake! *The tissue turn to it* *sips* mm~! Is so good!

Kaizo: hey guys the wedding is getting started co'mn!

After the wedding...

Yaya: oh men look at the sun set is so beautiful~! I'll go sit at the sandy ground and watch cya! *Walks away*

At the sun set...

Yaya: *sits at the sandy ground* wow~! Is so beautiful..! *Heard a foot step* huh *turn around and saw komari Chan*    huh? Komari what are you doing here?...

Komari: oh just Nothing I wanna see the sun set too~! Even....

Yaya: even what?

Komari: *giggled* even. Our friends is here too~!

Yaya: huh? *Turn around and saw her friends* hey guys are you here to watch the sun set too?

Ying: yep! Even with our pairs! *Hugs fang's left arm*

Fang: eehh? *Blushes*

Gopal: Ooo~ fang is in L.O.V.E. with Ying~!😏

Fang: shut up Gopal.

After that they went near to Yaya and komari they sit beside their pairs and look at the sunset...

At the hotel...

Kaizo: hey guys wanna ride at the banana boat?

Boboiboy​ fang Gopal and Komari: Would I?!?!

Fang: hey how about you ying and Yaya?

Ying: oh we're really scared to ride that boat one time that me and yaya ride that thing we almost died their so we won't join you guys. =(

Boboiboy: is ok you'll get a hang of this so how you girls will ride at the up and down thingy...???

(A/N): what do you called what again?

Yaya: yeah sure!

Komari: I think that ok if not I'm gonna get off of that boat...!

Kaizo: *yawn* guys let's go to sleep.tomorrow is a big day.

After that they went to sleep...

The gang: Good night guys...! *Yawn and closes their eyes*

To be continued...

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