Chapter 6 | Finding her..!

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Boboiboy's POV:

I was sleeping and I heard my clock was ringing... I push the button to make it stop.. I yawn I went to the bathroom and wash my self.. and I wore my clothes and I eat for breakfast fast.. I said " bye ochobot bye Grandad gotta go to my friends"

Grandad: okie stay safe..!

"I will" I said and I go out side and I saw ying fang and Gopal exept for Yaya I was worried about her.... I remember that she.....she.... I gasp she ran away! Oh no this is bad I need to find her....! I said "guys! guys!"

Ying: what?

Fang: you don't care about us anymore... Just leave us alone...

Gopal: yeah your not the best buddy I know..

"Okay... I'm sorry but we need to find her" I said and Gopal replied...

Gopal: cross your heart?

I replied "cross my heart"

Ying: finally your back to your old self again... So let's find Yaya..

End of Boboiboy's POV:

Yaya's POV:

I was at the forest and I met a guy and is just like I know him is.... MASTER KINKU?! I freaked out and I went near to him I said. "Master? Is that you?"

Master kinku: Yaya? You know this is your master...

I gasp. I asked  "master what are you doing here?"

Master kinku: oh don't ask me I will ask you what are you doing here...

I looked down I said "ran away..."

Master kinku: do you want some space?

I nodded and he desipeard like bubble...

Then I saw tiger at the forest I back off and the lion said...

Lion: hey what are you doing here?

I said "kion is that you?"

Kion: you know this is kion...

End of Yaya's POV:

No one's POV:

Yaya: kion! Long time no see how are you?

Kion: feeling great and what are you doing here?

Yaya: can I stay to your place?

Kion: sure! Why you want to forget everything what happened?

Yaya: *nodded* and.... I want to be like a wolf...

Kion: I thought never ask... *Grawr*

Wolfy: yes big buddy?

Kion: well do you know whose girl this is?

Wolfy: hmm? *Gasp* Yaya!

Yaya: wolfy!

They hugged...!

Wolfy: long time no see! How are you?

Yaya: fine!

Kion: hey wolfy can you teach how to be like you?

Wolfy: oh I thought you never ask follow me...

Back to boboiboy's gang..

Ying: *sigh* where is she?

Fang: we look everywhere but she's not here....

Gopal: hey guys! Is raining let's go to too Aba's shop!

Boboiboy's POV:

I was covering my head to avoid the rain I was super worried about Yaya.... I wish she's okay... I miss her already....
I need to find you...!

1 week later...

Still Boboiboy's POV:

Is been 1 week she's​not here.... I super duper worries about her so much!!! I need to find her...!

Ying: *crying*  *sobs*  *sobs*

Gopal: come down ying we will find her... I think...

Fang: don't worry ying I think Yaya will protect herself I think...

Ying: *sobs* *sobs* I miss her so much she's​been gone for 1 week!... *Sniffs*

And I was crying too.... A tear dropped on my eyes.... I'm so sorry Yaya forgive me....

At the forest...

Yaya's POV:

I was running with my hands on the ground and my feet on the ground... I was running a wolf!... I was happy and I don't remember anything! I only remember that I met kion and wolfy... "Alright enough! I give up you win fuli!" I said... It's been 1 week I was happy!

Fuli: hahaha you can't beat me!

I was wearing a a long tip top and a baby bra... My tip top is dirty... Is full of little mud! I don't care I envoled into a wolf!

Then it was happening...! I have now a ware wolf take and a ware wolf ears then I was running to find some food...
And I saw a 2 person having picnic... I was hiding at the bush... I jumped out..

Person #1: AAAHHHHHH! *Runs away*

Person #2: RUN!!!! *Runs away*

"BARK! BARK!" I barked and they left the food their I jumped at the table I ate the food! And then I was going back to my friends (not the boboiboy gang)

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