chapter 4 new student.

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Yaya's POV:

Their was an announcement that came from the principal. That theirs a new student that came from the Philippines. Is a girl.

So the school started I saw my friends sitting at their chairs I said "Good morning guys" and they said.


After That the bell rang I sat quickly to my seat and the teacher came in I said. "Stand up! Good morning teacher!"

All the students (minus me): Good morning Teacher!


???: *Cames in* Hi! *Waves*

Papa Zola: so introduce yourself.

Camille: Hi my name is Camille I am from Phillipines I moved to Malaysia cause my grandma need some I can speak English and Filipino! *Looked at boboiboy and blushed*

Papa Zola: ok Camille take a empty seat right their. *Points into an empty seat*

Camille: ok teacher! *Went and sit at her seat*

End of Yaya's POV:

After class...

Camille's POV:

I was at the canteen eating alone and I saw a boy with a orange jacket with a dino cap and a lightning symbol on his cap and he was talking to a girl.

I am getting jelouse cause I like that boy is Mone only. I went near to him I said "hi what's your name I know your already know my name" and I blushed he replied.

Boboiboy: oh I'm boboiboy 15 years old and how old are you?

"Oh! Me sorry I forgot to say that I'm 14! How about her what's her name?" I ask. He said.

Boboiboy: oh her she's Hanna/Yaya she's the class presedent. She is 14 years old.

After that Yaya began to talk.

Yaya: hi Camille I'm Hanna call me Yaya instead. I lived in Japan I can speak Japanese and English! Nice to meet you! *Shakes her hand*

"Um.... Hi. Oh yeah boboiboy can you eat with me alone please" I was doing puppy eyes. And he looked at Yaya I was angry I keep doing the puppy eyes. I said again "pwease pretty please" and he nodded so I dragged him at my table so he takes out his food and stated eating it. I was so happy and then. Yaya and idiot cames she said.

Yaya: hey boboiboy can we walk at the park later please?

And boboiboy nodded his head and I was getting super jelouse I said "um... Boboiboy? Can we walked together at the beach tomorrow please" I asked and boboiboy said.

Boboiboy: um... Aya.... Umm...

And then Yaya replied.

Yaya: is ok boboiboy maybe tomorrow instead...

I said "what a great idea yaya!" So boboiboy said.

Boboiboy: But-

Yaya: is ok boboiboy *walked away*

End Camille's POV:

3 weeks later...

Yaya's POV:

I was going to school and I saw boboiboy standing at the hallway I said. "Hi boboiboy I need to talk to you-" I was cutted my words​I saw Camille she said.

Camille: Yaya can you leave us alone theirs a thing that you shouldn't know about.

So I nodded head and walked away...

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