crossing the street with eyes closed |Vacation in the Philippines part 3-11

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Rin Chan: Day 3 of the vacation. Hey boboiboy is the girls sleeping?

Boboiboy: yup fang still sleeping too and Gopal. He's watching a video at YouTube. And me I'm doing my personality stuffs and bye I'm going to go in my bed... *Goes to his bed*

Kaizo: hey Rin Chan can you buy me a 5 packs sugar. For the shamporado (am I right?)

Rin Chan: okay *flies out side the window* oh yeah I'm hero and all the people will notice me that I'm flying.
*Goes down* okay 5 packs of sugar...

3 minutes later...

Rin Chan: oh co'mn theirs no stand selling sugar... I think I need a drink.

At Starbucks...

Person #1: wait is that Rin Chan? OMG OMG OMG SHE'S REALLY HERE!!! RIN CHAN!

Rin Chan: huh? *noticed person#1*

Person #1: Rin Chan! I'm your #1 FAN!!! Can you sigh my ID?

Rin Chan: okay! *Gets her pen and sign it* well I really gotta go now.

Person #1: *fangirling scream* THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! *runs out the door*

Rin Chan: wow weird girl huh? *Saw a box full of sugar it said "get one or many for free!"* Hehehe okay...

2 minutes later...

Rin Chan: I'm back! Hey Kaizo look at this sugar I stole. Hehe~

Kaizo: wait you Stole it?!

Rin Chan: I didn't stole is just FREEH!

Kaizo: oh okay *walks to the kitchen*

Ying: Hi Rin Chan! Where have you been?

Rin Chan: oh nothing. *Walks to Fang* hey fang how are you feeling good more than yesterday~

Fang: yup is the best of My life~!

Rin Chan: wohoo!!!

Gopal: hey Don't scream *continues playing the jamstic*

Boboiboy: what's that Gopal???

Gopal: this is the jamstic. *Plays it* and I can do this jamstic sound like a piano *plays it*

Boboiboy: wow yeah aswome.

Yaya: Morning~ gang!

Boboiboy: Morning Yaya~ *runs to Yaya and hugged her*

Yaya: *blushed* okay I have to go the bathroom now. *Goes to the bathroom*

Gopal: 🎵 I just want you~🎵

Boboiboy and fang: 🎵 I just want you~🎵

4 minutes later....

kaizo: I have a dare for Rin Chan. That she have to close her eyes and walk to the street. Is that okay?

Gopal and Rin Chan: Are you crazy?!

Kaizo: no I'm not crazy I'll just her hand *holds Rin Chan's​ hand* okay cover eyes.

Rin Chan: okay if I die is all your fault... -_-

Kaizo: trust me I'll let go your hand *blushes*

Rin Chan: *blushes* if you say so...

After they started to walk...

Ying: watch out (X3) (of course theirs no car coming she is just joking)

Rin Chan: *screams softly* that's-

Kaizo: we're here!

Gopal and Ying: so fast!

Rin Chan's fans: *screams* their she is!!!

Rin Chan: oh oh... Guys hold each other hand!

Kaizo: ???

Fang boboiboy and Gopal: Don't ask...

After they hold each other hand...

Rin Chan: electric speed! *Speeds off with the gang*

Kaizo: wew.

Yaya and Ying: I know Right. So we're are we.?

Boboiboy: we're at the voice actress cause-

Gopal: cause Rin Chan needs too she's really popular here I really wanna lick butt-

Rin Chan: WHAT DID YOU SAID?!?!?!

The boys (exept for the girls): *laughing*

Rin Chan: Don't make me kill you... *Brings out a knife full of blood*

The boys: *gasp* um... Sorry *saluted*

After the voice actress...

Kaizo: okay you BBB gang will stay at the hotel... Me and Rin Chan will go at the band adults only...

Boboiboy: but were adult now.. <=( Pwease can we go... *Doing puppy eyes*

Rin Chan: fine.. but one condition... Don't do stupid stuffs okay?

The gang: okay!

After that band...

That went home they cleaned the apartment after that they sleep they Jetlag...

To be continued...

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