playing Dares!

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boboiboy: *yawn* I'm going to sleep *falls on Yaya's lap*

Yaya: err? *Blushes*

The gang (Yaya and boboiboy): wow! *Took out their CP and took a picture of them*

Komari: let's play truth or dare! *Spins the bottle*

The Bottle points to-

*Knock! *Knock!

Karugaya: I'll get it! *Opens the door* oh hey Scarlet and Patricia why are you 2 here?

Patricia: ow! Because Komari Chan invited us!

Scarlet: because all of us the playing truth or dare!

Komari: your here! Co'mn! *Drags Scarlet and Patricia*

Back to the game!

Patricia: ha! *Spins the bottle*

The bottle points to Scarlet and boboiboy!

Scarlet: ha! Boboiboy truth or dare?

Boboiboy: dare! (In his mind) "please no love life" (-\\\-)

Scarlet: I dare you to confess your love to Yaya!

Patricia: kyaa!!!!! I know my ship never sink! *Tooks out a recorder* say it!

Scarlet: now this is making meh happeh!

Karugaya: say it! *Tooks out a recorder too*

Yaya: ... (•\\\•) ...

Boboiboy: *inhales* I love you Hanna I have a big crush on you! Hope you exept me....

Yaya: ... (❤\\\❤) ...

Gopal: is.... Is so.... Beautiful! *Sniffs* *wipes his tears of joy*

Patricia: ha!! BoYa!!! And I have a second dare!

Boboiboy: hey just one dare!

Scarlet: wanna die? (^-^ 🔪)

Boboiboy: no...

Gopal: mind giving the dare Komari?

Komari: *smirks* he! I dare you to play the Pocky game!

Yaya: what?! *Fainted* (×\\\×)

Boboiboy: Yaya! You okay?

Karugaya: wow is just like a love story!

Ying: ha!! Boboiboy and Yaya sitting on the tree!

Gopal: K!

Fang: I!

Karugaya: S!

Patricia: S!

Scarlet: I!

Komari: N! G!

All of them (exept for Yaya and boboiboy): kissing on the tree!

After Yaya woke up....

Scarlet: hahaha! Fang ying you have to do it too! If not.....

Karugaya: your gonna get it from me...  (^-^)

Fang: okay me and ying want to be the last!

Komari: easy peasy!

Karugaya: lemon squicy!

Boboiboy: *bites*

Yaya: *bites*

After a few moments.....

Karugaya and Komari: Patricia! Scarlet now!!!

Scarlet and Patricia: Mmm! *Nods* hiyaa! *Pushed Yaya and boboiboy*


Patricia: took your cellphone now! *Tooks her cellphone and took picture of them*

All of them (Yaya and boboiboy): kyaa!   *Took out their CP and took a picture of them*

Yaya: *pushed boboiboy* ... (0\\\\0)

Boboiboy: *fainted* terbaik (×^×)

Patricia: kyaa! I'm gonna faint to so bye I'm going to my my world! *Fainted*

Scarlet: fang ying! Your next!

Fang: no need! *Kisses ying*

Ying: *pulls off* *smiles*

Karugaya: this is the best day ever!

Scarlet: is so beautiful!


hello ScarletHeart328 and patricia0613
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