I fell inlove with my best friend!

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Morning Yaya was walking to her class but then a 3 boys pass by...
The tree boys are the big bully... They really hate Yaya because Yaya punished them for breaking the school rule....

Yaya: ... Nya! *Bumps at the 3 boys*

Boy #1: huh?

Boy#2: hey watch we're your going!

Boy#3: do you see we're doing business stuffs?!

Yaya: oh I'm so sorry! *Stands up*

Boy #1: *pushes her*

Yaya: hey! Would you be nice!

Boy #2: *grabs a fire stinguicher and throws it to Yaya* haa!

Yaya: please don't.... *Looks down*

Boboiboy: Yaya! *Hugs her* haa!

Boboiboy got hit...

Boboiboy: don't worry I'll protect you....

Yaya: boboiboy....

Boboiboy: ... *Fainted*

Boy #2: haha! What a weakling!

Boy #1: hahahaha!

Boy #3: guys..... Look! *Points to Komari*

Komari was shown.. Komari turn into yandare mode.....

Komari: who dare you to hurt my friends! *Tooks out a knife* COME HERE YOU TROUBLE MAKERS!!!!

all the boys: run!!!!

All the boys ran and Komari was following them...

After a few minutes...

Boboiboy has been woke up now...

Yaya: huh?

Ying: boboiboy has been awaken!

Gopal: oh my best buddy!!!!!! *Hugs him*

Fang: phew finally your awake!

Yaya: I'll be going ahead now.... *Goes out side*

Boboiboy: mm..... Yaya.....

Yaya was at the Sakura tree she sat down and look at the sun set....
Boboiboy's word are still in her mind.... "I'll protect you..."

Yaya: ... I'll protect you huh? Well..... I want me to protect you too....

Boboiboy: Yaya?

Yaya: huh? Boboiboy what is it?

Boboiboy: oh I'm here to check you...

Yaya: oh I'm fine....

Boboiboy: Yaya fine means that your not fine...! What's wrong?

Yaya: you see......

Boboiboy: ???

Yaya: do you love me?

Boboiboy: ehh?! *Blushes*

Yaya: ...  *Blushes*

Boboiboy: I fell inloved with my best friend!

Yaya: (0\\\0)

Boboiboy: umm.... Yaya is there something wrong?

Yaya: fell inloved with my best friend huh?

And the romantic started.....

Yaya was staring at boboiboy and boboiboy was staring at Yaya....

Boboiboy's POV:

She's so beautiful and cute...her eyes so peaceful and kind... I hold her chin up.
And she closed her eyes.....and then chu~ kiss.... I love her so much....
I hug her I feel her warm body though her clothes.... I feel her warm flexible body......

End of Boboiboy's POV:


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