chapter 1 she's sick part 3 boya and fayi moments

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Yaya: ying? Where my medicine?

Ying: their it is *points to boboiboy holding a medicine*

Yaya: *turned around and saw boboiboy too*

Ying: ok Yaya I'll get the water. And boboiboy will feed you the medicine ok?

Yaya: *nodded*

Boboiboy's POV:

I went near to Yaya while holding the medicine I took a spoon and put the medicine I said " Yaya say aaa~"
While I am holding the spoon. And Yaya went near to the spoon to the spoon she put her mouth in the spoon to drink the medicine after she swallowed the the medicine she said

Yaya: Bitter...

And I saw fang and Gopal talking their talking about me and her.

Gopal: Hey fang looked at them ayee!!!

Fang: hehe yeah yeah aswome!

I said "I can hear you, you know?" And I looked at Yaya again I looked her closely that she's getting dizzy and finally ying has arrived with a glass of water. I said "finally your here ying.." I looked at Yaya I said "Yaya drink your water" I touched her forehead head is getting warm.

Ying: here you go Yaya. *Giving her the glass of water*

Yaya: thanks ying. *Drinks the water*

End of Boboiboy's POV:

Yaya's POV:

When I drink the water I fell dizzy I gave the glass cup to Ying I said "I feel little dizzy a bit" the boboiboy said

Boboiboy: do you to lay down on your bed?

He asked. I nodded and he helped me to to to my room.

End of Yaya's POV:

Fang POV:

While I am playing I saw Gopal like a fangirl I said "Hey what's the matter with you huh?"
With a strange look. And Gopal replied.

Gopal: ayie!!! Look at them their so romantic hehe. *Pointing to Yaya and boboiboy*

When Gopal was pointing to them and I joined to I giggled I said "your right they looked kids romantic"
And Ying went near to me she said.

Ying: Fang may I talk to you for a second?

She asked. I nodded I stopped playing videogames with Gopal. So she dragged outside I said "so what are we doing here?" I asked. And Ying replied.

Ying: Fang I can't tell this to you ok? But keep this a secret. Don't tell this to anyone even your friends ok?

I nodded. And Ying started talking she said.

Ying: Fang do you know that when I first met you I was bushing am I Right?

I said " yes why" and Ying said.

Ying: fang I have something to confess you see I.... Like you.

I gasp she really confessed to me. I smiled. she said

Ying: is ok you don't have to say it. *Turns sad*

I said " I like you too Ying." Ying smiled she said.

Ying: really?!

I said "waoh are you surprised that I like you too?" And Ying replied.

Ying: of course you make me happy!

I smiled I said to her "so ying will you be girl friend?" I asked​. She said

Ying: Yes but keep it a secret ok? Pinky promise? *Puts out a small finger*

I said "Promise"

End of Fang's POV:

Back to boboiboy's POV:

I was helping Yaya to go to the bed I dropped her to the bed she laydown at the bed she was sleeping I sit beside her and I felt sleepy to. So I decided to sleep beside her I was at her back I was hugging her to feel her warm. After that I closed my eyes and went to Dreamland. With a help of Yaya. So I continued to hug her.

End of Boboiboy's POV:

Yaya's​ POV:

I feel someones hugging me and I Know who it is is boboiboy I can feel his warmed hand and his warmed body and boboiboy has the same feeling of mine too I closed my eyes and went to Dreamland. With a help if him. I continued to sleep.

End of Yaya's POV:

(A/N): their so cute when their sleeping imagine​ it is cute. \(>\\\<)/

To be continued~

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