Wedding Day! | Vacation in the Philippines part 5-11

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Boboiboy: today is today is wedding day!

Rin Chan: Yup and by the way you guys meet kaizo at his house ok me and girls will get their later ok?

Fang: okay Co'mn Gopal get your lazy but in here!

Gopal: Yeah yeah *gets up went to the bathroom*

Yaya: bye boys!

Boboiboy: bye Yaya~!

After the boys left..

Fang: ok we're here and theres our taxi *points to a taxi*

Gopal: let's go!

3 minutes later...

Fang: *knock the door* big bro you here?

Kaizo: wait! *Opens the door* ok you guys here so wear your tux now. Come in.

After they come in and wear their tux.

Kaizo: ok guys meet my cousin Brian..!

Brian: hello! You guys gonna ride at my pick up truck on the way to the wedding. Is that ok?

Gopal: Yep let's go (X3) *drags fang*

Fang: (T^T) why...?

Kaizo: ok meet you guys at the wedding bye!

Boboiboy: Bye kaizo *hive 5 with kaizo* *rides at the back of the pick up truck*

1 minutes later...

Boboiboy: 🎵we're at the back of the pick up truck on the way to the wedding!🎵

Fang: 🎵we're at the back of the pick up truck on the way to the wedding!🎵

Gopal: 🎵to the wedding~! Yeah Yeah yeah🎵

2 minutes later...

Brian: we're here!

Gopal: hey look the girls *points to the girls*

After they went down on the truck...

Rin Chan: hello! Your here the wedding is getting started in 5 minutes... So this guy married..! *Pats Ryan back*

Ryan: Sup oh yeah by the way I am gonna meet my wife cya! *Walks away*

Ying: yup and where's Fang *blushes*

Gopal: ooo~ Ying misses his boyfriend~

Ying: he's not my boyfriend!

Fang: I'm here ying co'mn!

Ying: okay...!

After fang and Ying left...

Kaizo: okay me and Rin Chan will go too ok bye *hold Rin Chan's hand* bye!

Yaya: so I'll meet you later boboiboy bye *walks to Dianna*

Gopal: hey look photo booth let's go their please..!

Boboiboy: Fine.

At the photo booth...

Gopal: wow look at the background​ they're so many Fans we are so popular!

Boboiboy: looks like it. Yeah aswome! *Tumbs up*

Gopal: hey Boboiboy you may wanna take your cap off because it doesn't look Good...

Boboiboy: sure *takes off of his cap*

Gopal: and Yaya will love you more!

Boboiboy: shut up Gopal *slaps Gopal*

Gopal: Ari..! Sorry...! (^-^💧)

Yaya: hey guys the wedding is getting sta-? *Blushes*

Gopal: oh yeah getting started gotta go bye! *Runs away*

Boboiboy: ... *Hugs Yaya* hello..! *Blushes*

Yaya: *blushes* umm.. Boboiboy your hat.

Boboiboy: I don't need wear it I don't look good *realese the hug*

Yaya: *smiles* the wedding is getting started let's go..!

Boboiboy: and we're shot getting late! *Carries Yaya in bridal style*

Yaya: *blushes*

After the wedding..

Fang: they're so cute when they kissed. *Sniffs* I'm crying *wipes his tears of joy*

Boboiboy: yeah they're​so cute!

Gopal: let's eat!

Rin Chan: haist! Gopal. And good point first after we eat we have to clean the apartment tomorrow ok?

Fang: okie! *Starts to eat*

Ying: and by the is Gopal's Birthday!

Boboiboy: really?! Happy birthday Gopal!

Fang: Happy birthday Gop Gops! (Means Gopal)

Gopal: thank you! Guys!

The gang (minus Gopal): Happy birthday!

To be continued...

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