Not today, No matter what

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I was still unconscious. "Good job, you probably just killed yourself." Was all I kept thinking to my self while I was out. I could feel my body wanting to give up after just one hour of being worked on. My surgery finally ended. I'm not sure how long it was, but now I was in a room....sleeping? No I was a wake I just couldn't open my eyes. I tried to but it took too much energy. After five minutes of trying they finally peeked open and I could see. Well I could see out of one eye, the other had, what I assumed werebandages, over them. I could only keep my eyes open for a spilt second so I didn't see much, but what I did see terrified me. I had what seemed like 15 machines hooked up to me, it me a second to realize on was actually draining stuff out of me. At first I couldn't tell where but then a shrap pain in my chest told me it was probably draining fluid from my lungs. I layed with my eyes closed exhausted, then I heard the door open and someone walk in. 

"Ok, his body has had enough time to rest. Let's take him back to the O.R. And finish what we started and hopefully he'll be ok. Someone check the chest tube, is it still draining blood from his lungs?" "Yes doctor." "Ok, that will be priority number one. Let's get him over to the this bed lift one my count." I felt hands reach under me. "1. 2. 3. Lift." I was lifted up a little. "Set him down gently and let's start detaching him from some of the machines that he won't need during surgery." "Yes doctor." "Someone check to see if he's responsive yet." "I will. Ryan can you hear me?" I didn't do anything to respond. "Ryan, let us know if you can hear us, squeeze your eyes shut just show us you can here us." Then I squeezed my eyes shut. "Ok he's responsive. But we need to make sure the the bleeding in his brain has stopped." How hard did I hit my head to cause bleeding? Is that even what caused it, I know nothing about the medical world. I then felt like I was being moved on the bed to what I can only assume is the operation room.

When I stopped moving I felt a mask being put over my mouth and began breathing in what was being pumped through it, knowing it was supposed to put me to sleep. Then just as I was about to be out someone leaned down to my ear. "Your parents aren't blaming the guy driving don't worry. Now let's get through this, you're not dying today." And then I was out. I was relieved that they weren't blaming the guy, I didn't even know his name. It was my fault, I didn't check to make sure no one was coming. But she's right, I'm not dying today. No matter how hard this is going to be I will make it through this. No matter what.

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