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Next month~June

I walked in. "What going on with you? You've been real distant lately and weird ever since that kiss and I don't like it." I said and she looked down. "Um..nothing. Why?" She asked. "Cuz everytime I would text you, you would text back late and cancel our plans." I said and when I looked in her eyes, they were red. "Kaisey are you ok?" I asked. "Yea. I'm fine" she said. "You know you can talk to me ab-" "Damn K I can't finish this blunt by myself and my dick is hard baby cmon" I looked and Prince was shirtless in the doorway with a blunt in his hand.

The hell is he doing here? Dick hard? I hope he ain't fuck her and I damn sure hope he didn't get her hooked on this shit. "Nigga what the fuck is goin on?" He looked like he seen a ghost when I said that. "You got her hooked on this shit? And fuckin her?" I said gettin heated. "Look, I didn't do shit to her" he said and I punched him in his face and he was knocked out. "Zay what the hell are you doing?" She said grabbing me.

"Kaisey he got you hooked on drugs?" I asked and she rolled her eyes. "KAISEY!" I yelled. "Nigga so what. I was stressed out and he came over here already drunk and started smoking and offered me a hit so I took it. Big fucking deal!" She said. "Kaisey it is a big deal! What about your future? I'm pretty sure your family back home wouldn't approve of this. Are you out yo fuckin mind!?" I screamed.

"Zay you're gonna stop yelling at me like I'm yo damn child! I'm my own damn person!" She yelled. "Fuck that! I care about you and what's best for you and I don't need you fuckin up yo life K!" I yelled and she took a deep breath. "Well that's too bad cuz me and Prince are doin what we want and you aren't gonna stop us" she said and I think I'm hearing things..us?

"So you and him are a thing huh?" I said. "Yup" She said and I nodded. "When did this happen?" I asked. "The day after we kissed. He came over drunk and apologized to me and told me that he'll never hurt me" She said and I shook my head.

"He told you this after he had gave you the blunt that day" I asked and she nodded. "I can't believe this shit" I mumbled.

I heard Prince groan. "Why does it fuckin matter to you?" She said crossing her arms. "Because unlike him, I actually give a fuck about you and your future. I wouldn't have you hooked on drugs and fuckin up yo life like this" I said to her and her face softened.

"Look I'm sorry you feel that way but I love Prince and what we have is something special." She said with her words slurring a bit and I was so close to smacking the shit out of her for being so stupid. "It's not special anymore K. I hate to break it to you but it's not. He's a fuckboy and probably fuckin other bitches" I said honestly.

"Don't listen to him Princess. I only want you." He said behind her she looked lost and her breathing got heavy. "Kaisey?" I asked and she fainted.

"Shit what now?" He said. "Nigga shut up. You caused this shit and imma get her out of it and away from yo ass." I said. His phone rang and he went to answer it in another room.

"...yea baby I'll be home soon ok?.....driving to this job interview....ok. Love you too." He said quietly so I couldn't hear. But I heard every last thing and got in on tape.

She doesn't deserve a bum nigga like him. I carried her over my shoulder and walked out to the car. "Wait...you can't take her!" I heard Prince yell. I put her in the car, locked it and went back to her apartment and grabbed her phone and keys. Prince left and I locked up her apartment and took off to the hospital.


"Family of Kaisey Kitchen" the doctor said. "Yea? That's me" I said "Us" Prince said and I ignored him.

"Ok. Well she had a lot of alcohol poisoning and drugs in her system so we pumped it out and she should be back to normal." He said.

"Thanks Doc. Can we see her?" I asked. "Sure. One at a time though" he said and he led me to the her room.

When I walked in, she was awake and smiled when she saw me.

"Hey how you feelin ma?" I asked. "Fine. I don't remember anything that happened though and my head hurts." She said.

"So you don't remember anything that happened at your place?" I asked. "No...what happened?" She asked. "You know Prince got you hooked on drugs?" I asked and her eyes got big "what!?" She semi screamed.

"Zay I don't do drugs. What the fuck do you mean he got me hooked on drugs" she said tearing up. "Your precious boyfriend got you on it Kaisey" I said and her eyes got big. "I can't be addicted to drugs. I'm going to stop now. I j-just can't. And Prince did this to me? His ass basically put me in the fuckin hospital!" She said crying.

I laid down next to her and held her. I tried to get comfortable but my butt accidentally pressed play and the recording of Prince played.

"Is that Prince?" She asked and her eyes looked sad. "Yea..when you passed out, his phone rang and this was the conversation." I said.

"This is too much for one day." She said turning over. "Zay..can you enroll me in rehab so I can get off this shit? And bring Prince in here..I wanna talk to him." She said. "By yourself?" I asked. "No" she said.

"I'll just be in the bathroom just in case." I said and she nodded. Sooner or later, I heard him walk in.

"Hey baby how you holding up?" He said. "Prince cut the act. What happened back there and why am I in here?" I said. "I..um.. got you on drugs and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'll enroll you in rehab as soon as possible. I prom-" "Stop Prince. I can't do this anymore. I give you another chance and you get me on drugs. Are you shittin me?! I trusted you and do this! Fuck you Prince. Delete my damn number and forget about me cuz my career come first nigga and you are taking that away from me. I'm so glad I'm on break cuz I would've beat the shit outta you and shot yo ass! Get the fuck outta my room nigga!" I yelled

"Kai-" "GET OUT!" I yelled. He looked at me one last time and left. My eyes burned and I just let the tears fall. I felt arm wrap around me and I already knew it was Zay.

"It's ok. I'm here now. Stop crying baby girl" he said and we stayed like that for the rest of the night.

"Kaisey want me to call Kwon and Rlondo?" He asked. "Yes please. That nigga is gonna pay cuz he messed with the wrong bitch" I said. Don't let the pretty smile fool you. I'll crack a nigga skull in a heartbeat.

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