Chapter 1~What have you done?!

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Jay's POV

I'm working on a funny invention, and I can tell. It's going to be great!
This gun shoots little shocks and i wanna use it on one of my friends to see if it works.
Am i a genius? Yupp i am.
After that Deja-vu with Kai and Skylor not much happend. So no villains for us right now.
Actually i'm a little bit bored so that's why i made this.

"Jay! Are you coming?! We are going to Ninjago city!" Cole yelled.

"Yeah i'm coming!" I response, I quickly put all my stuff away and wanted to walk head towards their location, but I stopped myself. I've almost forgot to bring it with me! I'm so stupid sometimes!

"i take you with me.." i whispered to my Awesome gun.

Kai's POV

Everything is perfect right now. There is a long time past after my journey with.. yeah you know Skylor. I still have a relationship with her and sometimes she visit me or i visit her.
Nothing is really happening right now, so we're a little bit bored out.

We decided to go to Ninjago city... you know, just to hang out and stuff.
We waiting by the door as we saw Jay appearing.. with a gun?!

"Ehh jay... why do you have that... gun?" I asked, I don't trust this...
"Oh this?! Yeah it's a inventing" He proudly held up his gun in the air like it's the best thing in the whole world, not that it is.

We all took a step backwards at the action.
why? Previously he made a invention like a robot, but it exploded and we had to go to that ugly apartment for a while.. again.

"What's upp guys?" Jay asked innocent.
"Well Jay.. maybe you have to let your gun here.. you know for safety" Zane said while walking a step backwards.

"I'm promise guys i'm not gonna do something idiotic!"

We all looked at each other , i wanted to something like 'Nope not gonna happen'
But Lloyd beat me to it.

"Okay Jay... we trust you, but please don't do anything stupid" Lloyd said it almost pleadingly, he know very well what the consequences are.

"Oh please, when did i something stupid?" Jay said as he leaned smoothly on the table and waving his hand for emphasis.

We all looked at him with the 'Are u serious' look as I crossed my arms.

"Okay okay! I'm not going to do anything stupid..." Jay walked over to us and put his gun in his jacket , ready to go.


Cole's POV

We all walked towards Ninjago city, as walked over to Jay "What kind of invention is it actually?" I asked, I was actually pretty curious with what it could do.

Jay's smile brighten with the question. "Well this is a gun which give people little shocks , it's not deadly.. it's more funny" he snorted at the last sentence.

It looked actually fun to me, and honestly i wanted to try it on someone.
"Do you have mind if we'll use it on.. someone?" I said while looking at Kai.
It'll be payback for what he did to me.


"Cole? Can you help me? The fridge is stuck again!" Kai asked me while pulling on the fridge door.
"Of course" i pulled on the door and it wasn't even hard to open it.
Then out of nowhere a cake fly right into my face.
I heard Kai laughing hard in the background , but it was hard to hear it because i had CAKE IN MY EARS!
"KAI! I'M SO GOING TO KILL YOU!" I wanted to grab him and slab his teeth out of his mouth , but he run away.
"You're going to get a payback for a lifetime..." i grumbled.

End flashback

"It took 3 day's until the cake was finally out of my hair..." i whispered.

"What?" Jay asked me confused.

"Ohh uhh n-nothing" i said quickly.

Jay saw my look at Kai and a smirk plastered across his face.
"You want to get payback.. do you?" He asked still smirking.
"Hell yeah.." i smirked back.

Kai's POV

We were walking in Ninjago city.
I walked in the streets until i saw a man across me, he was around our age and.. Hmm he looks familiar..
The man looked at me with disgust. I just glared at him, why did he look at me like i'm a gross thing or something?...

Out of nowhere i saw blue lightning as it hit me , i felt a shock while i let out a little yelp.
I couldn't help but feel energy drained.
I saw red light go into that guy who looked at me with disgust.. oh boy..

I quickly turned around to see Jay and Cole with shocked faces while the others were trying to keep up with what just happend.

"Jay.." i said angry while walking to him.
He stepped backwards "I-i euhh i-it was Coles idea!" He said quickly.
"Jay!" Cole almost yelled.
"I'm sorry! I just don't want to turn into shreds because of Kai!"

I tried to use my fire powers but it didn't work. I also tried spinjitsu , it didn't work neither.

"COLE! YOU SON OF A-!" I yelled , i wanted to kick him but something, or someone stopped me with.. Fire?!

"What the?!" I turned around to see that guy with fireballs in his hands with a confused expression. "Okay what's going on here?!"

"Okay enough!" Lloyd yelled "Jay and Cole i'll deal with you guys later! But first we need to find a way to get Kai his powers back"

"And you" Nya pointed towards the guy "you're coming with us"
"Like hell i do" he wanted to run off but i caught him by his shirt and punched him unconscious before he even could count to 1.

The others were shocked and looked me open mouth at my action. I don't actually care but hey, everybody is different.
"Hey, it could be Cole or Jay" i said while taking his limp body leaving the others with open mouths.


When we arrived at the bounty , i throw that guy in the cell.. hard.
I don't like him.. not at all... he have my powers so it wouldn't be hard to understand that , plus he looked at me like i'm trash.

"Okay Jay! Fun time is over! Just give me my powers back" i said while walking towards him.

"Yeah heh heh it's funny because.." he said nervously while he grabbed his gun "It's kind off broken..."

"Kind off.. KIND OFF?! Jay that thing is the only way to give me MY powers back!" I feel anger overwhelmed me.

"Guys! Can you knock it off!" Nya said while standing between us. "We have immers a bigger problem!"

"Well maybe i can fix this, but i have to get some time.." Jay said.

"Ugh alright... but i do not treat that.. Guy of whatever's called , as my brother or even as a friend..."

"Alright" Nya sighed "But don't loss your temper on him.. i mean he's actually innocent"
"Yeah right.." i said rolling my eyes
"Just hope he'll stay long unconscious."

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