Chapter 10~Rescue part 1

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Kai's POV

I turned around to see Skylor behind a closet.
"Skylor?" i asked.
She run to me while giving me a hug. I accidentally dropped my crutches while i hold her for support.
"Oops sorry" Skylor said. She wanted to take the crutches but she forgot that i barely can't hold my balance.

I fell but as reflex i hold on Skylor and we both landed on the floor.
I opened my eyes to see Skylor on top of me. I was blushing like mad but i don't dare to move.

Skylor groaned of pain while she opened her eyes. When she saw me she quickly stood up.
"U-um s-sorry i forgot that you couldn't hold your balance." She stuttered while she offered her hand.
I gladly took her hand. "I-it's okay" i stuttered still blushing.
She took my crutches and give it to me.

"Are you blushing?" She asked while she chuckled a bit.
"What?! No! Of course not" i turned my face away from her, embarrassed.
"You're cute when you blush" she responded.

"T-thanks i think" i laugh nervously while i rubbed the back of my neck.
But my mind drifted away to my friends.

"We need to find them." I said randomly serious.
"Who?" She asked.
"Our friends.." i said while smirking.
I had a plan.

Time skip

"That's not a bad idea, but are you sure about it?" She asked.
We were in my room while we were talking about the plan.

"Yes i'm sure about it, we're going tomorrow."
It was late in afternoon after we made up our plan.

"So.. what should we do now? The others are gone" Skylor asked.
I smirked and kissed her passionately,   i pulled away for air.
"We could do this.." i said smoothly in her ear.

She put her arms around my neck and i held her by her waist.
We both kissed again with more passion as before, i felt a feeling i've never had.. but it felt good.

I decided to heat things up.
I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. She gladly accepted and my tongue searched her mouth.
She moaned through the kiss and it was like music in my ears.

I put my lips on her neck and trailed down to her neck bone.
"Kai.." she moaned while i was kissing her sweet spot.

"Are you sure you wanna go further?" I asked with a reassuring smile.
She nodded while she smiled back. But i could see that somethings bothering her.
I knew exactly why. "Don't worry i'll be gentle" i said while i put my hand on her cheek.

"I know" she smiled. And with that we both landed on my bed.
Tomorrow we'll do our plan but today we're going to focus on love.


I woke up and wanted to stand up. But something is on my chest.
It was Skylor. I smiled while i gently put her hair out of her face.

"Wake up beauty" i whispered. She woke up and her face immediately lit's up.
"Hey hot shot" She stood up and kissed me on the cheek.
"Are you ready for the plan?" I asked while smirking.
"Yeah" she said confidently

Time skip

We make out elemental dragons and go to the place where i was captured.
Skylor walked towards a tree and pulled on a handle who was attached to it. "Okay i distract them and you have find the others" i said while walking downstairs with my crutches.

"Are you sure Kai.. you know in this condition you can be easily caught" she looked at me worried.
"That's why you need to safe them. I know you can do it Sky" i turned around to face her with a smile.

"Thanks Kai" she smiled back.
"Be careful" we both said at the same time. We snickered while i turned to the left and she turns to the right.

I walked as fast as i could on my crutches while making loud noises.
I decided to stay in the shadows, because Skylor was right. I could be easily caught.
Some shadows were looking around them to see where the noise came from.

It's very funny to see them confused.

Skylor's POV

I walked tot he exact same place where we found Kai. I was at the front door while memories came back.
I pulled on the  handle but someone kicked me in the back.
I quickly turn around to see Scar smirking. "You think you can safe your friends?.. how pathetic" Scar walked towards me with his sword.

But he wasn't the only one with a weapon. I had a crossbow on my back.
I wanted to grab it but Scar noticed. He jumped over me and landed behind me. He took my crossbow and split it in two.

I gasped. Scar walked towards me and lifted up his sword to make a end.
I put my hands in front of my face.
Out of nowhere we could hear a loud noise. Like metal or something.

"Thank you Kai." I whispered while smirking.

When Scar was distracted i took my chance and kicked him harshly on his throat.

He gasp for air while i took his sword.
Now i have the upper hand.

I managed to slash his chest. Scar cried out in pain. When i wanted to end this,
Scar catch my sword. I was shocked to see his palm bleeding.

In a swift move he lifted up his word over his head and i fell behind him.
When i thought it'll be my end a crutch planted into Scar's face.
I looked up to see Kai.

"Kai!" I yelled in happiness.
"Missed me?" He smirked "go and save the others, i'll deal with him." Kai looked at Scar.

"But Kai-"
"I know, but you have to save them, i know you can do it." He smiled.
I smiled back while i run into the room.

Kai's POV

I saw Skylor disappear into the room and began to face Scar.
"You really think you can defeat me." He walked towards me.
"No, but i'd rather be hurt instead of Skylor. I walked backwards with my crutches.
"Aww so brave" he taunted "But stupid.."

To be continued..

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