Chapter 8~Escaped

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Jay's POV

"So.. i see you've found my secret pass way.." we heard a dark voice saying. We turned around to see Scar.

"Yeah have ya problems with that?" Cole said.

"Actually yes..give me the fire ninja" Scar walked towards us with a knife in his hands.. covered in.. blood?!

"I'll never give my brother to you, you freak!" Nya yelled while she attacked him with water powers. Scar was flying to the wall with a huge impact.

While he was distracted we run towards the exit. When we were outside we could see Scar running towards us.

We all gulped. "Make your elemental dragons!" I yelled while making a dragon.

The others did and we immediately we're going to the hospital.

When we were on our way i could see that Skylor looked at a unconscious Kai. I admit it Kai is injured a lot. But not that he can't survive or something.

When we brought Kai to the hospital we were waiting in the guest room. "Do you think Kai will be alright?" Skylor asked nervously.

"My brother is strong, he'll be okay" Nya put a hand on Skylor's shoulder while smiling.

Then a nurse came "Hello, are you Nya smith?" She asked.
"Yes i am, is my brother okay?"
"Yes, he only have a pair wounds, but he can't walk for a pair weeks, so he has to use crutches."
"Oh okay" Nya said disappointed. She knows how Kai will be when he hear he can't walk for a while.

I know how bad it is when you can't walk, you feel worthless because you can do nothing.

"Can we look at him?" Nya asked.
"Of course, he isn't awake yet," The nurse smiled.

We all walked towards Kai's bed and looked at him. He has bandages around his wounds and a broken leg.
"if i weren't go sleeping he'll be okay right now" Skylor said sadly while tears formed in her eyes.
"Hey Skylor, it isn't your fault, nobody knew that Kai would be kidnapped" Zane said while smiling at Skylor.
"Yeah, from now on we have to look out more for each other." Lloyd said.

Kai's POV

My head throbbed a slight pain. All i could see was blurry. When i was trying to sit i felt a searching pain in my side. So i decided to stay down.

When my vision became clear i could see that i was in the hospital. I had bandages wrapped around my side and chest.
And i had a... broken leg?!

I was disappointed that i can't fight for a while.
After a few minutes i was able to speak. "G-guys?" I asked weakly.

"Kai!" They all yelled while running towards me. "Kai, you're awake" Skylor said with relief on her face. "W-what happened?" I asked.
"That's a long story bro" Nya said while giving me a hug. But when she touched my side accidentally , i let out a gasp of pain.

"Oops.. sorry Kai" She said with guilty.
"It's not your fault Nya" i smiled.  She smiled back.

Then a female nurse came in from our age "You all have to go away for a few seconds, i'll check on Kai and after that he can leave." She said calmly.
The others nodded and leaved.

The nurse walked towards me. She checked my side and chest. I don't know but was she blushing?
When she was wrapping the bandages back on she asked me something.
"So Kai..?" She asked still doing her work.
"Are you single?" She asked hopefully on a answer like yes.
I chuckled a little bit "Sorry, but i already have someone"
I heard her curse through her breath. "O.. okay" she said with a fake smile.
"Well you're done Kai, you can leave."

After that the nurse helped me up and leaved, i put the top of my ninja gi on and waited for the others.

They came immediately while i tried to stand up.
It's very hard to stand because my leg hurts.. really bad. The others looked at me while i struggled.

"Kai, you need crutches if you like it or not." Nya said. I used the wall for support.
"N-no i can clearly walk on my own." I said.

"Kai stop being so stubborn" she grabbed 2 crutches and was to give it to me.
But instead i turned around "No, i'm not gonna use those.. crutches."

But when i heard a deep breath i fear for the worst..
she's gonna call me by my surname and... my other name..
Before i could say anything it was to late.

"Kai Ash Smith!" She yelled.

I quickly took the crutches and and heard snickering behind me.

"Y-your other name is Ash" Jay said while holding in his laughter. I turned around and sighed  "Yes.. the first two months of my life my parents called me Ash, but they liked Kai more so.. "

"But Ash was that guy who you had to fight right? By the tournament of elements." Cole said while holding in his laughter to.

"How is it to fight to yourself?" Zane asked seriously.
Then the others burst out laughing. Zane just stood there, not knowing where they're laughing at.

I just huffed "Are u done?" I asked at them annoyed.
"Yeah.. oh wait." Jay said after that he and the others laughed again when they stopped he said something "Okay now we're done"

We were on our way towards the temple, i sat behind Skylor on her dragon.
We finally arrived.

"Thanks for the ride." I said while scratching the back of my neck. Normally she was behind me if we ride on our dragons. So it's a little embarrassing you know.

"No problem, and btw Ash is a cute name for you" She winked at me while she walked inside with the others.
I just stood there dreamily. 'Yupp that's my girlfriend'

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