Chapter 5~Betrayal

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Jay's POV

This is all because of me... if i haven't make that stupid gun
Kai wouldn't me gone.

Now i'm still trying to fix the gun it's almost good as new, just some connections and i'm ready.
I heard footsteps coming my way, i turned around to see my beautiful Girlfriend... Nya.
"Heyy Jay" she said but when she saw my face she know there's something bothering me "is there's something wrong?" She asked worried.

"Jay, don't lie to me"
"Okay, okay... i feel guilty about Kai.. if i haven't make that gun he wouldn't be gone" i said sad while i looked on the floor.
Nya put her hand on my cheek while she smiled at me "Jay.. it isn't your fault.. and besides Kai will return.. he just have to cool off"
"Yeah i think you're right" i looked at her beautiful eyes.
"Oh i know i'm right" i snickered at her little joke while giving her a hug.
She returned the hug before she kissed me on the cheek.
"I love you Nya"
"I love you to Jay"

Yeah.. Kai'll be alright
(Aaahhhh i love Jaya Btw😍)

Kai's POV

I ride to four weapons with my motorcycle , i heard people cheering but i didn't really give attention to that.
When i finally arrived i saw that my father was working on some weapons.
"Hey dad" i said while i walked towards him.
"Hello Kai" he was my face and began to worry "is there something bothering you?"
"How come?"


"You know Kai, that you haven't your powers doesn't mean you can't be a ninja"

"I know.. but.. nobody believes me.. now it's just all about that.. Scar"

"It's not about who got the powers Kai.. it's about from who the powers come from.
It come's from you Kai.. you're not just a master of fire.. you are the master of fire"

"Thanks dad, i needed that"
"No problem son"
"Where's mom btw?"
"You're mother is shopping with some old friends from her, she really missed shopping"
I snickered slightly "Now i know from who Nya got her love for shopping"

We both laughed until we heard a noise come from my cellphone.
"K-kai.. s-save.. h-help.." i couldn't completely know what they were saying, but i had to hurry.
"Hello? Anybody? Guys?!" No answer.

"I have to go dad" i said while i run to my motorcycle.
"I know son, go safe Ninjago!"
I give him one last smile. And with that i was riding towards my friends.

"Yupp that's my son" I heard my dad whisper proudly.

Cole's POV

I walked towards Jay's room , i wanted to say something but when i saw him and Nya cuddling i quickly slam the door.
Okay.. that was gross.

I heard some noises come from the trainings room. It was John who was talking to someone.
I couldn't see it so i decided to look a little closer.

Then out of nowhere someone put a hand on my mouth.
"So.. Cole, i see you've found my friends" John said.
I only could make muffling sounds.
"I think i have to kill you or el-"
Someone cut him off with a hard punch.
It was Lloyd.
"Guys! A little help!" Lloyd screamed while dodging attacks from shadows.
The others came immediately.

"So Kai was right..." Skylor said guilty.

"Wait... Skylor! That's it!" Zane said.

"That's what?" Nya asked while blocking an attack.

"Skylor still have Kai's fire powers , if she use it we still stand a chance!"

"Oh yeah! Men i feel dump right now" Jay said while he got hit in the chest with a loud thump from a kick.

"Jay!" Nya run up to him but it was blocked by a shadow.

"Skylor! Use it now!" Lloyd yelled.

Skylor set her hands on fire and managed to defeat all shadows.. well.. almost?

There was one big left , the big shadow knocked skylor out.
"Skylor!" We all yelled.

Okay.. we're toast..
"Let me call Kai , Jay you have to fix that gun quickly, maybe now we can switch their powers!" Nya said.
"On my way!" Jay run to his room and began to work on his gun.

"Kai! We need you to save us! We need help!" Lloyd said through his phone. But i think the connection isn't really good here.

"Guys! It's ready!" We heard Jay yelling from his room.
C'mon Kai... hurry.

Kai's POV

I was on the temple and i heard my friends fighting. "Guys! I'm coming!" I yelled. I heard some noises come from the trainings room. I run to the place but saw nobody. On the floor i could see a gun... not just a gun, Jay's gun!
It's good as new! That means i just have to find Scar and-

My thoughts were interrupted with a loud crash outside.
I looked outside and saw that my friends and sensei Wu were in a cage.
Then a idea came in my head.

Jay's POV

Ohww mennn we're toast , Kai isn't here and we're going to die.

Then out of nowhere we can see Kai outside.
He had my gun in his hands.  "Shoot Kai! Sho-!" I yelled.
But Scar interrupted quickly.

"If you doesn't give me the gun, you're friends will fall 500 meters to the ground" Scar treated , the shadows pushed the cage farther to the edge , while some of us were screaming of fear.

"First let my friends go" Kai walked towards Scar, slowly.
"No.. if i was you i should think quick... your friends.. or that gun... give it to me Kai"

"Fine" Kai throw the gun to Scar while they let us out of the cage.
We all run to Kai to see that Scar throw the gun to the ground.  Then everything seemed to go in slow motion . It broke into pieces.
"Noooo!" We all yelled.

"Ha goodbye ninja! See you soon" Scar said darkly while flying off with some shadows on a helicopter.

Kai's POV

" will you never get your powers back.." Nya said sadly while she put her hand on my shoulder.
"You think so" i smirked while i held the real gun in my hand.

They all gasp of confusion and happiness.
"H-how?!" Jay yelled.
"You remember that water pistol from the vacation? I used it as a 'real gun' " i said proudly.
"Kai! You're a genius!" Cole said happily.

"Yeah i know, because i was the one who came after that 'John' was evil" i said while i glared at them.
They all hung their heads in guilty and embarrassing.

"I-i'm sorry kai..i should believe you instead that John" Skylor said sadly.
"Yeah, i think we all have to apologize for this" Zane put his hand on my shoulder with a reassuring smile.
"No need guys, i'm just happy you're here now" i looked at sensei and he nodded proudly.

"Now we need to find a way to get my powers back"

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