Chapter 13~Battle is over

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Skylor's POV

When we heard a big explosion the castle vanished. We stood on the ground while our chains vanished to .

We were walking towards Zane's statue , i saw black clothes and a mask, i knew exactly from who it it.
"I-is ninjago saved?" Jay asked.
"I think so" i response. The others cheered but then something or someone came up in my head.

I was looking where Kai was.. but i couldn't see him. In the distance i could see someone laying limp on the ground.
I noticed that that person wore something red. I gasped "Kai!" I yelled while running to him with all my speed i've got.

The others followed me and we stood around Kai.
Kai's clothes are ripped and some parts are burned , he has black dust over some places , his chest and arm are bleeding badly.

"Kai.." i whispered before sitting on my knees beside him. "Kai! Say something!" I shook him by his shoulders.
No response. Nya was crying her heart out and the others were sobbing.
I felt tears streaming down my face as i hugged him tightly.

"Kai i'm so sorry... i'm so sorry this happened.. i shouldn't go to sleep.. it's all my fault.. and i couldn't even say.. that i love you.." i sobbed.

I heard a weakly cough next to me and it comes from.. Kai!
"K-kai?!" I yelled happily while i hugged him hard.
"It isn't your fault Sky.. and..I love you too but.. you can't get rid of me that easily" he whispered weakly in my ear while smiling a bit.

I blushed at that he heard what i've said.

Nya was crying of happiness and hugged her brother tightly. The others were looking relieved and happy with that their brother is okay.

"C'mon we should get you to a hospital." Zane said while smiling that his brother isn't departed.
"Aww come on.. i don't want to" Kai wined.

I kissed him on the lips. "Do you want to go now?~" I asked smoothly.
He looked dreamily "Y-yes..let's go." He said while holding Zane for support as they walked away to the hospital.

"You should use that for now." Nya chuckled.
"Yeah, maybe i should." I said with a smile.

"But how?.. Kai should be still unconscious by now."  Jay asked.
"I think he have unlocked his true potential again, and if you unlocked it your wounds will get healed a little bit." Nya said.
"Oh yeah! Oh Nya you're so smart." Jay said while looking dreamily at her.
"I know." She said while leaning in for a kiss.

But Cole couched "We're still here guys."
Nya and Jay were blushing like mad and quickly pull apart from each other.
"Now you know how Kai and i were feeling." I smirked.


Kai's POV

I was laying in a hospital bed as i heard a door crack open to see my parents. "Kai! What happened?" My father asked worried.

"It's a long story, but i'm okay." I smiled.

We were interrupted when the door opened.. again. I saw that my friends are walking in.
"Hey guys." I smiled. They smiled back.

"Hi Kai." Skylor smiled while kissing me on the cheek.

Nya looked at me with a smirk. She knows that my parents don't know Skylor.
So i had a lot to explain.
"Oh Kai i didn't know you had a girlfriend" My mother said happily.

I rubbed the back of my neck "Y-yeah, this is Skylor." I smiled nervously.

"Nice to meet you Mrs.Smith and Mr. Smith." She said polite while shaking hands with my parents.
"Nice to meet you to Skylor." My father responded.

"Good job."  My father whispered in my ear.
I just smirked at his reaction

"Your mother was a great person." My mother said while she smiled at Skylor.
"M-my mother?" She stuttered.
"Yeah, you look like her."
"Thank you Ms.Smith" she blushed a little bit at the fact that she looked like her mother.
"You can call me Maya, dear."

I just hope they doesn't go to the embarrassed part..

"So Skylor, do you want to see some Baby pictures of Kai and hearing his childhood story's?" She asked out of nowhere.
I shook my head at my mother with pleading eyes.
But she ignored me.
"Yeah i'd love to." Skylor smirked at me while the others were laughing at me.

"Well when Kai and Nya were little, Kai wanted to entertain Nya.."

ohh no.. not that story..

"So he juggled with hammers, Nya laughed at that , but when one hammer landed on his foot she laughed the hardest." My mother snickered.
The others were laughing to.
I just huffed while crossing my arms "That was very painful."

"Oh and guys you have to take a look on this new and better gun!" Jay yelled while holding his gun in his hand.
I quickly shoot fire at it as it melted. "Hey!" Jay yelled.
"Sorry Jay, but you're inventions always goes wrong." I said.
Everybody laughed while Jay crossed his arms.


While Maya is embarrassing Kai with some photo's , he was deep in his thoughts.
He'll always have his brothers at his side, no matter or what. He feels stronger by that knowledge.
He realized that he can't be replaced by someone without his character , plus his Awesome hair.

Skylor would never cheat on him , it made him stronger to know that.
The first moment when he saw her, he was immediately in love.
Sure he has a lot of fangirls, but no one is so pretty and good as character like Skylor.
She has something what Kai's heart made flutter.

When Scar came he was jealous, well he wanted to look like that.
In the inside he was scared.. yes scared. He was afraid to lose his friends, he was afraid that he would be replaced.
But Kai knows that'll never happen.

Now that Scar is gone there'll be peace for a while. No more enemies.  Well.. bank rovers doesn't count.
He like to have a fight with a enemy.
He's used to that. Actually he always want to keep active. If he can't do something, he'll be bored.. a lot.

But he's happy with what he got.
Brothers who you can trust,  a hole family and the girl of your dreams. I mean, what do you want more?
Yupp his life is awesome , and he knows that.
The only thing he wish, that it'll be stay like this forever.

But the best thing he knows is that ... he'll never be Forgotten.

~The end

Yay! I'm finally done!
Thank you so much for your support guys! I really appreciate it.❤️
I'm sorry if i haven't text you back in the messages but my i pad have some.. issues.🙈
So i can't send a text back. So i'm sorry for that. 😭

Anyway this was a fun book to write.
If you guys have any suggestions for the next one, i'd love to hear! 💁

Lego_Ninjago_Kai_ OUTT.

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