Chapter 4~Training

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Kai's POV

I woke up and forced my eyes to open from a noise.
It was coming from the trainings room. I decided to look and i saw John training with a sword.

When i walked in John lifted his head up to look at me.

"Hey, Kai" John said cold.

Okay i don't know what that guy have against me, but i'm not going to live further like this.

"Well hello master 'Master of fire" i said sarcastic while i picked up a sword to and began to slash a trainings dummy.

"Ha is that all you've got" John teased.

He kicked and punched a trainings dummy repeatedly.

"I can do more instead what you can" I crossed my arms.

"I bet i can beat you down in 5 seconds" John challenged.

"Is that a challenge? " I walked towards him with my sword.

"Indeed". John was the first one to make a move. He slashed his sword at me while i blocked them.
I jumped in the air and landed behind John. I kicked him in de back and he landed face fist on the wall.
He quickly recovered and kicked me hard in the chest. After that he punched me right in the throat.
I was gasping for air while he kicked me again and i fell on the floor.

"What did you say???" John asked.

Wait a minute.. that voice... oh my... how?...
memories flew through my head... It was the same voice as..

"S-scar?" I asked , i stood up and walked backwards towards the wall.

"Ah.. i see you finally know who i really am.. i thought you'll find out earlier.." he walked towards me , still his sword in his hand.

Scar looked to different without his black clothes and mask.
Now he just look.. normal..

"How do you remember-?" I asked , John cut me off quickly.

"You know.. your sensei and i had a interesting fight when you were.. dying...
when you were hit with the arrow.
( this happened in my previously book 'When you came back to me' )


Scar's POV

When we saw that Kai was hit with the arrow instead Skylor i was smiling evilly.
"Good.. now he'll die" i said while i looked at Skaialdor.

"No!"  I heard a voice saying behind me.
I turned around to see that old senior..

"Wu.. you're to late, you're student is dying there and there's nothing you can do." I smirked evilly.

"Well there's something i can do.."

Wu attacked me with his bamboo staff but i quickly side stepped.
Instead me hit me he hit Skailador.

Skailador was immediately unconscious but i don't really care about that.

"You're time is over old man" i said dark.

"I don't think so" Wu kicked me in the gut and i fell to my knees.

I picked up my dagger and stab him in the right leg.

He screamed and i took my chance to kick him.

I kicked him but he caught my leg and we both landed on the wall with a thump.
A weird purple liquid fell on top of us.

Before we could do something... everything went black."

End of flashback

"That's why Wu remember it but why didn't he tell me?" I stood up and began to face Scar.

"He didn't tell you because you're his most weak student" Scar smirked evilly.

"No! I'm not!" I attacked him and managed to cut his cheek with my katana.

He let out a yelp while blood was streaming down his face.
"You're dead ninja!" He kicked me in the ribs and on my knee but i didn't fall over.

He tried to stab me but i sidestepped while his katana was stuck into the wall.
I took my chance and kicked him in the chest. He fell on his back and i had the upper hand.
I wanted to end this once and for all. I raise up my sword to end this.
But then the door swung open with a loud thump.

I saw that my friends were looking at me shocked.
"Kai! What are you doing?!" Nya yelled while pushing me away from Scar.
"What were you thinking Kai?!" Lloyd pulled Scar up and looked at his cheek. "Is this because of him?" He asked at Scar.

Scar looked at me with a innocent face. I could feel that my temper almost overwhelm me.

"Y-yeah... i'm sorry k-kai if you thought i was gonna attack you... but i just wanted to train.." Scar said 'weakly'.

"I can't believe you!" Cole walked out the trainings room with everybody else before i could say anything.
Scar shoot one last glance at me with a evil smirk without anyone noticing.
I felt rage build inside of me.

Skylor was the last one who had to leave.

"Skylor do you actually believe that?"

"I'm sorry Kai but.. " she trailed off.

"John is evil , he isn't the good innocent John!" I walked towards Skylor to take her hand.

"I don't know what to believe anymore Kai.." she walked away from me.

I felt that my heart was splattered into pieces.

"Skylor.. i swear John isn't the John you know" I said hurt.

"No Kai.. you are the one i don't know.. not anymore.." and with that she left.

I'm standing now alone in the trainings room with pain in my heart.

"Maybe.. they're better of without me.." i whispered to myself.

I was on my motorcycle and ride to the place where i could think clearly ... home.

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