Chapter 6~Powers back

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Scar's POV

I was thinking about how Ninjago could become my image. Now Chen is not the king. Sooner or later i'll be the king..

I just have to get red of that stupid group ninja's and that STUPID RED NINJA KAI!

But how?

"Master?" Asked a shadow while he walked towards me.

"What do you want?" I said coldly.

"We know how you can have your powers... forever."

"Forever?! Well tell me!" I yelled.

The shadow took a step backwards.. i love it when people are scared at me.

"Well... if you kill that red ninja, his powers will stay in your veins.. that is what you wanted right?"

"Yes... yes.. we'll leave sooner of later , but i want to kill him by myself.. i want him alive.."

Kai's POV

"Okay first we need to know where they're heading." Lloyd said while rolling out a map of Ninjago.

"Maybe they're in stixx" Zane suggest.

"Or on the dark island" Cole said.

"Or they are at the monster amusement park" jay said enthusiastic.

We all glared at him.

"What? I love attractions..."

Nya sighed "How do we ever know where they're heading?"

Then a loud thump was hearing from outside.

"Maybe we doesn't need to know that" Nya finished.

We all run outside with our weapons.
There were some shadows and a helicopter with.. Scar.

"What do you want Scar?!" I yelled at him.

Attack them and take the red one!" Scar pointed at us.

Immediately all the shadows were attacking my friends.

I saw that Nya and Jay were back to back fighting.

Cole,Lloyd, Zane and Skylor were fighting as a team.  I decided to fight alone, but it isn't so easy.

Out of nowhere i could see a sword slash at me.
I quickly sidestepped and saw that it was Scar. He was trying to stab me.
"Why do you want me?" I asked while blocking an attack.
"If you die i'll have your powers.. forever.." he smiled evilly.
"F-forever?" I stuttered.

I was caught of guard for a second and Scar kicked me hard in the ribs. I fell on the ground.
When i was trying to stand up a sword was at my throat. "I think this is your end.. fire ninja" but someone Punched Scar hard in the face.

"Everything okay?" Asked a red haired girl while she offered her hand.
"Y-yeah thanks" i rubbed the back of my neck before i took her hand as i was standing up.
"This time we all stay together" Skylor said while the others joined us.

"How can we ever defeat these guys?! We can't touch them but they can touch us! Only Skylor can use her fir- That's it!" Jay yelled.

"That's what?" I asked while dodging an attack from a shadow.

"Kai do you have the real gun?" He smirked.

"I see where you want to go" i grabbed the gun and give it to Jay.

"Okay Kai get so close as you can to Scar"

I just raise up my left eyebrow.

"Just do it!"

Okay,okay, Geesh" i run to Scar and began to face him.

"This ends now ninja" Scar said coldly.

"Indeed"  i attack him and slashed my sword at him and he did the same .
Then we had a stare off.

"Face it Kai... i'll rule Ninjago and i'll get rid of you ninja" Scar said darkly while pushing his sword harder against mine.

"Never! Jay! Do it now!" I yelled at Jay.

Jay pulled the trigger and all i could feel was power through my veins. "Yes!" I smirked at Scar who was looking at me with disgust.

"Maybe today you win ninja, but i'll get rid off you first.." and with that Scar flew off with some shadows, out of our sight.

We all cheered at our victory.

"You did is well ninjas" Sensei said while walking out the tempel.
"As i could see you have your fire powers back" Sensei looked at me.

"Yupp the fire master is back" i said proudly.

"You were always a fire master Kai, we'll never replace you" Sensei put a hand on my shoulder.

"Woa woa woa wait! You thought we were gonna replace you?!" Jay yelled in disbelieve.

"W-well actually-" i rubbed the back of my neck while smiling nervously. But i was cut off by Cole.

"Kai, we'll never replace you" Cole smiled.

"Yeah you're our brother, who can actually replace someone like you" Zane said with a reassuring smile.

"As iron sharpens iron, brother sharpens brother" Lloyd said.

"Thanks guys" i smiled and we all had a group hug.

Time skip

After dinner i was standing outside looking at the stars. "Hey Kai" i heard a female voice saying.

I turned around to see my girlfriend.. Skylor.
"Hey Sky" i said still looking at the stars.

"I wanted to apologize that i doesn't believe you a pair days earlier" , she looked at the ground with a guilty and sad face.

"Hey.. it isn't your fault, you didn't know about that John was actually Scar." I smiled.
She smiled back while snickering a little bit "I don't deserve you Kai"
"Oh believe me you do" I smiled back.

Our eyes were locked at each other and then we kissed passionately under the stars.
"Aaaawwwww that's soo cute" We heard a voice saying. We both quickly separated.
Skylor and i were blushing like mad.

I turned around to see Nya standing with the guys. "H-how long have ya been there?!" I asked.

"Do you mean before you two were talking or after?" Nya smirked.
Okay a long time..

"Well good job Kai!" Cole patted me on the back while walking away with the guys and Nya.

"I-i'm sorry for them.. sometimes they can be really annoying" I smiled nervously while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Doesn't matter" she give me a kiss on the cheek "well i'm going to sleep to.. See ya tomorrow Kai" she walked away and was out of my sight.

Now i was standing alone on the railing but then with the best feeling ever.

"Aww have you a love interest Kai?" I heard a dark voice saying.
I turned around to see..

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