sept |;| physical pain

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*this chapter was brought to you by popular demand. thanks to @ldemelo123 for the idea


tears ran down my cheeks as i laid on the cold bathroom floor. i had probably been there for at least five minutes since noah left. my leg was still in immense pain. i kept hoping that nobody would walk in while i was laying there on the ground crying my eyes out.

unfortunately for me, the bathroom door began to slowly open. my hands began to shake as i seen a tall boy walk in. it took me a moment, but then i realized who the boy was.

"f-finn?" i muttered. he rushed towards me knelt next to me.

"what the hell happend!" finn exclaimed.

"i uh, i fell down." i replied. i felt really bad lying to him.

"so you just happend to fall down in the boys bathroom? millie, i know thats not what happend. if you don't want to tell me the truth, you don't have to." he retorted as he grabbed my hand and held it. my hand seemed to fit perfectly in his. almost like they were made for eachother.

"a friend kicked me." i said while pointing to my shin. a bruise was already starting to form.

"a friend wouldn't have caused you physical pain. millie, they obviously aren't a friend."

what finn said was completely true. it was in that moment that i was starting to come to terms with the fact that noah despises me. i began to think that maybe i should break up with noah. i've always everything i can for him and he has never don anything for me.

i was a bit shaky as i began to stand up, but finn held on to me until i got my balance.

"after you." finn said as he held the door open for me.

"thanks." i replied with a smile.

as the day progressed, i couldn't stop thinking about finn helping me. he behaved towards me with kindness and respect. he treated me in a way that noah never has.

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