vingt cinq |;| party pt.2

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finn and i held hands as we walked to his friend jack's house. every once and awhile, finn would trip because he was staring at me instead of paying attention to where he was going.

"you look so pretty tonight." finn said as he gave my hand a squeeze. i giggled.

"you've said that like five times so far." i replied. he leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

i didn't want to go to the party, but i knew i'd be with finn. as long as i was with finn i felt safe. after about twenty minutes of walking, we arrived at a butterscotch colored house with some stone on the exterior. it was a reletively big house and it was very pretty. i walked closely behind finn as we walked along the stone pathway. when we got to the front porch, finn opened the front door and walked inside. i took a deep breath and then followed him inside.

"hey jack! i want you to meet someone!" finn exclaimed as he walked into the crowd of people. there were about fifteen to twenty people just horsing around. some were eating, some drinking, and some were just talking.

finn and another boy with dark hair started to approach me.

"millie, this is jack. jack, this is my girlfriend millie." finn stated. i smiled and shook jack's hand.

"hey millie, it's nice to meet you." he said.

"yeah, it's nice to meet you too." i replied.

"hey finn, i wanna show you the new seven iron i got" jack told finn as they started to walk away.

when jack and finn left the room, i didn't know what to do. i was walking to the kitchen when i saw somebody i recognized. i gasped when i realized who it was. he saw me staring at him and he started to approach me. there was nothing i could do about it, i just had to deal with it.

"hello millie. it's quite a coincidence seeing you here." he said. i grunted.

"what do you want noah?" i retorted.

"i've been wanting to talk to you about something." he stated. before i could walk away, he grabbed my hand and started to drag me towards another room. we walked into the empty bedroom and noah shut the door behind us. my heart started to pound.

"i should probably be going." i said. i quickly started to walk towards the door, but noah grabbed my arm.

"no, you shouldn't." he scoffed with a smirk on his face.

before i knew it, he grabbed me by my hips and smashed his lips onto mine. i tried to break free, but his grip was too strong. he slipped his hands under my shirt and held on to my waist. at that point, there was nothing i could do except wait for him to be done with me.

he kissed a trail from my lips to my neck. he sucked on my neck for awhile, definitely leaving a mark. after a few minutes, he pulled away.

"if you tell anyone about this, i'll kill you." he scoffed. he walked over to the door, opened it, and left the room.

tears were running down my face. i knew i shouldn't have went to that stupid party.

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