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< Lydia Martin >

THEY looked at her as if she we're crazy. Lydia Martin, queen bee of Beacon Hills High, now a nut job.

Lydia sighed looking around for Jackson, her ex-boyfriend. She wanted to thank him for finding her, though she told him she didn't need him- she could have any guy- she wanted him.

"-walking around naked!" Lydia looked over at a group of girls that were eyeing her. Realizing she let her cold and mean facade down she send a glare towards the girls.

"Enjoying the 'attention', Martin?" One of the girls spat. Lydia just sent them a sarcastic smile.

"Jealous Kaitlyn?" Lydia remarked, the girl scowled. "Be careful, Katie, your face may stick!"

One of the other girls from the group spoke up, "Her name is Kimberly!" Lydia just smile.

"Sure thing, later Karli!" Lydia threw over her shoulder as she walked away.

Smirking Lydia saw some she had never seen before, approving of the girl's fashion , she leaned against the girl locker with a big smile.

"Can I help you?" The girl called, not bothering you look at Lydia, as she shuffled though her locker.

Lydia smiled even bigger cleared her throat. "No, but I would like to help you, I'm Lyd-"

"-ia Martin, I know." The girl finally closed the locker and turned to look at Lydia. "Everyone talks about you."

Lydia's smile faltered and the girl felt bad. Wanting to make Lydia feel better she grinned at her, "They said you were totally rocking that top. We're did you get it!?"

Lydia smirked, "France. Mom had it in before it even went on sale." Lydia said before grinning at the girl again, "I like you, you will love Allison my best friend!" Lydia said loudly before walking away.

Lydia then stopped ran back a little and smiled awkwardly, "I never got your name?"

"I'm April, April Ad-Ullerup!"

Lydia smiled and sent April a wave before walking away.


Lydia stood in front of Jackson hand s on her hip and a grin on her face, "I guess I Just wanted to say thank you. For saving my life, it you hadn't found me I would have probably died from hyperthermia."

Jackson scoffed and looked down at the Strawberry Blonde, "No, I broke up with you. Just because I saved you doesn't mean we're together." Lydia's smile quickly disappeared as Jackson stalked away.

Feeling tears prickling her eyes Lydia ran to the nearest bathroom, walking in a stall and locking the door. Lydia sobbed for what felt like hours when it had only been several minutes.

The door opened and Lydia instantly held her breath.


More chapters will be longer I got bored so I decided to update.

That's all folks.

Mazz out.

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