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April checked the girl's pulse and took notice it was slowing declining. April let out a sigh, she had to do what she had to do, it was her fault the girl was like this.

April grabbed one of the girl's hands and slowly brought it up to her mouth, "Sorry." She mumbled before her face shifted and she sunk her canines into the small brunette's arm.

The girl woke and let out a scream. She screamed until she passed out making April stare down at her with a sad look. April never wanted to ever change anyone, after she found out Lydia was forced, Scott was forced, she never wanted to run someone's chance at being normal.

April pulled out her cellphone and called the one person she knew would understand. He picked up on the second ring.

"H-Hello?" His voice was gruff, making April believe he must've been sleeping.

"Scott, I need you to come down to my house right now."


Now, April sat in the back of Scott McCall's car and starred at the floor. She felt empty, she couldn't believe what she just did, she couldn't believe she turned an innocent person into a monster.

Scott knocked on the window making her look up, "I'll take you to Lydia's, then I'll go to the hospital and drop Gemma off." April nodded and rubbed Gemma's back soothingly.

Gemma had woken up briefly and April explained what had happened Gemma started to freak out and passes out again. April figured out Gemma's name when Scott came over.

Gemma Reed was a freshman at Beacon Hills, she loved with her single mom and little sister, Gemma was smarter than many in her grade and certainly caught the attention of Scott's best friend.

"Okay, just make sure she's okay. I-I didn't want to bite her Scott, but I wasn't looking at the road and the next thing I know BAM! I hit a little girl." April mumbled and patted Gemma's hair.

Scott let out a sigh and hot in the front seat, driving off towards Lydia's House.

dolole book is coming to and end and the chapters will be shorter and more frequent. Should there be a second book? Why didn't April freeze when the Kanima poison was in her system???

Mazzattack out xxx

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