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Short today,  sorry guys

April Adams

April sat in Lydia's room messing with an old top that she had. April spent the night at Lydia's due to what happened at home.

The day at school April had shifted because of loosing a pack member,  her grandparents were attacked by hunters while they went out to a stream in the woods. They had been cut in half.

Lydia stood before April with her hands on her hip, "April I've been asking for your opinion for the past two minutes! " Lydia said growing annoyed at the blond's lack of attention towards her.

"You look absolutely stunning Berry, the green compliments your eyes." April said raising an eyebrow towards Lydia. Lydia smiled  satisfied.

Grabbing her keys April walked to the door before halting with Lydia behind her,  "Lydia Martin, to grab a damn jacket." Lydia rolled her eyes at April and pushed past her to go to the car.

April sighed at the girl's stubbornness.

When they arrived to school they both went to their locker and met up with Allison who had asked if they wanted to do something after school.

Lydia agreed and April was hesitant but still agreed because Lydia insisted.

Now they were in gym doing rock wall climbing,  much to April's disappointment she got paired with a girl that looked to nervous for her own good. But April did feel bad for the girl.

"You afraid of heights? "She asked the girl, the girl nodded timidly making April feel even worse,  "If you get to nervous just, " April winked. "Hold my hand."

The girl let out a shaky laugh. April's attention drew to Lydia and the Miles as they climbed up the wall. Lydia moved effortlessly making April swoon,  while the Miles tripped every so often.

Nudging the girl, "I bet you can kick his ass in this." The girl grinned but still looked nervous.

"I'm Erci—"

"Erica and— an um, April." Coach called.

April smiled once more and went to walk forwards,  but was tugged back by Erica gripping her hand, "Just hold your hand right? " The girl smiled nervously,  making April grin back and nudge her.

This didn't go unnoticed by Lydia.

April was climbing down the wall by the time Erica had  barely made it halfway up. When she reached the ground she noticed Erica was shaking badly.

"Erica? " She called up, "You okay? "

"I-I-I'm fi-fine." She called down, making her shake even more.

"Erica?" Coach Finstock called, "Dizzy?  Is it vertigo?" April and Lydia looked at him in confusion.

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system—, " April started.

"Of the inner ear, she's just freaking out." Lydia said annoyed.

"Erica?" April called to the shaking girl,  Erica responded by telling them she was fine.

"Coach,  maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Allison said to Coach Finstock. The man looked up to Erica in worry.

"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff, " He mumbled, " Erica y-you're fine.  Just kick off from the wall,  there is a mat to catch you,  come on." Erica didn't move an inch.

April stepped closer to the wall, "Erica,  listen to me. You're fine,  calm down. When you kick off the wall I will catch you." She saw Erica look down before closing her eyes and kicking off the wall. When Erica neared April reached out and caught her.

Erica pushed her away and ran off,  everyone started crying when the girl started to cry.

"Advert your eyes before you don't have any sight! "April snapped before following after Erica.

Lydia Martin›

Lydia watched as April ran after Erica with a slight hint of jealousy. Lydia had the thought that whenever someone cried or was upset it must've been April's weakness.

Lydia and Allison made their way to the locker rooms to change. The first thing Lydia noticed was the distracted looking April by the door. The brunette had a frown on her face as she absently pulled a shirt over her head before stopping as if she heard something.

Lydia watched as April quickly threw the shirt on before running out of the locker room. Lydia and Allison shared a look before dashing out of the locker room in April's path.

When they entered the gym April was on the floor holding a shaking Erica on the floor. Lydia and Allison rushed over as did other students.

"Call an ambulance!" April snapped and she fought the shaking Erica.


Again I apologize for it being short,  that's totally what she said,  but I've been busy cleaning up the apartment because we're having guests.

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Mazzattack out 🔫👊

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