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April sat at a seat rolling her eyes as she saw Mister Harris walk pass her will a woman who must've been a sort of prostitute due to the way she was dressed.

Scott had convinced her to 'help' them capture Jackson to try and save him. In her opinion the asshole deserves to die.

Sure, she only felt bad felt this way because of the history Jackson had with Lydia. In April's opinion Lydia should be with someone non-supernatural and was normal, someone who was a good man (or woman) that treated her well. April's Berry was too perfect for anyone. The only person good enough for Lydia is... Well Lydia.

"April!" April turned to the person who snapped her out of her day dream,and glared at them. Erica's eyes widened and she took a small step back. "W-We need your help.."

"What did you idiots do?" She asked as she slowly stood up. Erica, again, cowered away.

"We- uhm, lost Jackson?" She asked slowly. April's eyes slitted, "It was on accident! The stuff that doctor dude gave us wore off way to fast."

April let out an irritated sigh, "He's gonna kill someone." Erica said in a shaky voice. From further away a man let out a loud yell.

"I think he already did.."


"I'm sorry Berry... I'm just, busy on Wednesday..." April said sadly to the angry strawberry blond.

"What! No April, my birthday is Wednesday! You can't miss it, its going to be epic!" Lydia shouted as she gripped onto April's arm.

"I-I." How should she put it? "I have to help my friend Gemma, she's a freshman and her... Math is hard I'll be with her all night."

Lydia pouted, "B-But it's my first birthday with you here... And with you leaving it'll be our last."

April was torn, she had a new beta to take care of but she also wanted to be there for Lydia. "I'll stay for a little.. Then I have to go."

Lydia let out small scream and hugged her tightly. "Yes yes yes! Have I ever said I love so so so so much!" She letting her go and kissing her cheek them skipping away.

Love you too, Berry.


Ah young love.... I'm gonna skip a shit ton and every update is gonna be like 490+ words....

Love yah!

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mazzattack out xxx

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