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April Adams

April walked into the bathroom after hearing noise that sounding like crying. Well and she had to use the bathroom.

Opening the door she heard the crying stop and heavy breathing. Walking into the bathroom cautiously she used her advanced sense of smell to see if she knew the person. And she did, it happened to be her new 'bestie'.

"Lydia? You alright in there?" She called knocking on the only closed stall. She heard some shuffling around the other side of the door before it slowly opened revealing a puffy-eyed Lydia Martin.

Lydia wasn't crying anymore but April noticed the girl would probably start at any moment. Being cautious of her feelings and her surrounding, April slowly opened her arms indicating that Lydia to hug her.

Lydia let out a choked sob before grabbing onto April and crying into her shoulder. Lydia kept repeating the same words and she held onto April.

"I'm not crazy."


The bell for April's first class, and beginning for her new school, had rang about ten minutes ago but she wasn't worried, her only worry was the strawberry blond who's crys were only now starting to quiet down.

Lydia was shaking lightly as her crying became silent and now she just gripped onto April as if she were an anchor.

April was making swirls on Lydia's back when the girl finally calmed down, April went to pull away but Lydia gripped onto her tighter. Sighing April ran her hand through Lydia's hair, smoothing it down.

"Berry, I don't know who you're in her crying instead of going out there and showing everyone that you kick ass. I'll be with you the whole time if someone so much as sends a look your way you know what my momma told me to do?" April said patting Lydia's back before pulling away and looking into the Strawberry Blond's hazel eyes.

"What did she say?" Lydia said smiling softly.

April winked, "I don't know, I usually kick their asses." Lydia laughed before pulling away fully and wiping her eyes.

When Lydia's eyes opened April was gone but she could here April behind her. "April what are you doing?" Lydia called but the only response she got was a hush.

April came back with a green bag that looked completely stuffed. "What's that?" Lydia asked.

April grinned before grabbing Lydia's hand and dragging her towards the mirror, "Well..." She said opening the bag and rummaging through it before pulling out a small container of mascara. "Can't kick their asses with your make up looking like that."

Lydia scoffed before grabbing the mascara and placing a hand elegantly on her hips, "Coming from you? Look at that dress." She exclaimed pointing at the tear stains on the item of clothing.

They both laughed before settling in silence and proceeding to their appearances.


After their encounter in the bathroom Lydia and April sent smiles towards each other anytime they saw each other in the hall or in class.

April was walking out of English with Lydia when a tan boy and a boy with a buzz cut stopped Lydia. Lydia rolled her eyes before sliding her arm through April's elbow and speed walking away.

The boys followed causing Lydia to sigh in aggravation. "What do you want Scott and Miles?" She said annoyed.

"Actually its Stiles-"

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