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<Lydia Martin>

Lydia stared at April in amazement, her mouth slightly opening and closing like a fish.

"I-I. Like," Lydia lowered her voice as if she were telling a secret. "Lesbian?"

April let out a chuckle startling Lydia, "No, no Berry." Lydia looked at her confused, "I like boys."

"So, your bisexual?" She asked in the same whisper.

"No Berry, I'm a narwhal." She said sarcastically, "Yes I'm Bi." She said looking to the road.


It was silent most of the way and Lydia didn't mind. They soon arrived at an empty dirt road that April lived near.

"Bye Berry, I had a fun time." April leaned over and kissed Lydia on her cheek. April hopped out of Lydia's car and waved goodbye before skipping down the dirt road. Lydia shook her head at the crazy brunette.

Driving with an a smile on her face Lydia turns on her radio listening to an odd pop song.

Lydia was humming a tune that didn't match the pop song that was playing. Her humming was cut off when she heard some noise coming from her radio.

Tuning it up just a bit she noticed a voice calling from it. Her eyes widened and her breathing deepened.

"H-Hello? What do-do you want?" She asked in a scared tone. Her throat started to get tight and she moved her hands from the wheel to grab at it causing her car to swerve a little.

Breathing deeply her voice got raspy, "What do you want?" her voice was deeper and she squeezed the wheel tighter breathing heavily.

Scream. Scream. Scccrrreeam.

Lydia's hands slammed against the steering wheel and she squeezed her her eyed closed.

And then, Lydia let out a shrill yell, Lydia let out a scream.

"What do you waaant?!"


April Adams

April nearly made it to her house when she heard it, voices, they were warning her. Just like they did before she turned in the classroom earlier.

Stopping in her tracks she dropped her bag and crouched in an attacking pose. Growling she flashed her golden eyes.

"What do you want?" She asked in a deep voice, threatening growl left her lips.

  The whispers started again.

Run. Run. Run. Help her. Help Berry.

Instinct. Following the voice she ran.

She ran the fasted she had ran in a while. Trees and bushed brushing passed her, hitting her in her face. "Which way?!" She yelled to know one.

  Right   left turn, Now!

Obeying the command she ran onto a highway just in time to see Lydia's blue car swerve towards the side of the road and I voice she held dearly screaming.

Yelling in protest April ran towards it pushed the swerving car with all her might, willing it to stop. The car slammed and rocked making her cry out in pain but still held on.

The car finally stopped making April fall to the ground in heavy breaths.

Lydia dove out of the car and ran to April. "April! April!" she gasped at April's condition.

Her arm was all bloody and her hands were all cut up. "Y-You alr-alright, Berry?" April then started to laugh, "Wh-what happened to Muffin?"

Lydia had tears streaming down her face, "Muffin?! April you almosted died! You should've died! I need to get you to the hospital."

Wonder how serious I could get this, April thought happily. Tuning her breathing deeply she turned her head weakly to Lydia.

"Berry. I-I I don't have much time. I can feel it." April said before letting out a few coughs, Lydia looked down to her and choked out a sob.

"No, no. April! What are you talking about?" She said reaching for the girl. April shallowed her breathing more.

"L-L-Lyd-Berry, I only ask one dying wiish." She whispered closing her eyes tightly. 

"Anything, Muffin." Anything? Okay.

April gave her a sad smile, "I want one kiss... I want to be held Lydia, rocked until I give my last breath. D-Do you mind?" She asked. Lydia looked surprised by the question then nodded her head as more tears streamed down.

Lydia grabbed April and held her close rocking her as she wished. Apr was grinning with joy on the inside.

Holding her breath to make it seem as if it were hard to breath, Lydia started to panic. "No, no no. April you never got to meet my mom! Or Allison! Please don't leave me." Oh Berry please no crying, let me die in peace.

Closing her eyes she acted dead. She heard Lydia stop crying and then she heard it, "April? April, Muffin?" She called.

It was silent and then she felt it. A kiss.

A kiss that startled April, a kiss that stirred something inside of her. A kiss that held more than sparks. And a gasp from Lydia confirmed it.

     She felt it too.


April isn't really dead. She was messing with Lydia just to get a kiss. Evil but cool.

Dogs play dead. Its just what she did.

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