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Lydia and April sat next to each other as Coach Finstock started his lesson.

"All right, listen up." Coach started, "A quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you, like McCall, might want to start their own study groups because tomorrows midterm is so profoundly difficult," Coach Finstock let out a chuckle, "I'm not even too sure I could pass it."

No one thought Coach Finstock's joke was funny so when it was silent coach let out an irritated sigh, "Okay, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question." He looked around the room before looking to Lydia and calling her to the board.

April looked down to continue her work when coach called out again, "Jackson! Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?"

Jackson's eyes widened and he stumbled to look for an excuse, "I uh-um, just an undying admiration for my-my coach." Coach smiled.

"That's very kind of you.. Now shut up, Shut it! Anybody else?"

A few minutes later as April was working she heard Lydia's calk that was tapping the board stop and Lydia's whispering caught everyone's attention. Lydia gasped and jumped away from the board.

On the board Lydia had wrote 'EMPLEHENOEMOS' written on the board over and over.

"Okay then, anybody want to try answering? This time in English?" Coach said, causing everyone to laugh.

Lydia ran to April's side as they kept laughing, making April wrap an arm around Lydia protectively.


April smiled happily at Erica when the blond was leaning against her locker. Erica Gave the same smile back but hers was more wicked.

"Hey April." She smirked, "You wanna hang later? I have other matters to attend to, but after that?"

April shrugged, "I was gonna hang with Lydia." Erica's smirk got wider.

"Oh really? Pity, okay if things don't go as planned, call me." The girl winked and skipped away.

Just as April closed her locker a strawberry blond beauty leaned against it. "What did Erica want?" Lydia said, glaring as Erica was now companied by Isaac Lahey.

"Wanted to see if we could hang, but me and you had plans I didn't want to bail on." She shrugged and slid an arm over Lydia's shoulder to pull her along to Chemistry.

Mister Harris was grumbling to Jackson as they walked in. Lydia and April made their way to a table at the front when April had her arm yanked on Lydia.

Turning angrily to Scott, who was holding her arm, and let out a growl startling the boy. He pointed to Erica and Isaac, who waved at them, and whispered, "Derek and Stiles were attacked by a Kanima last night, Derek thinks its Lydia. They are trying to slip Lydia some Kanima poison to test her."

"And if she passes the test?" She asked her voice slow and gentle.

"They kill her, they kill Lydia." He let go of her and she moved to sir down next to Allison as Scott and Stiles took seats next to Lydia.

Mister Harris walked around the classroom, "Einstein once said, 'two things are infinite; The universe and human stupidity and I am not sure about the universe.' I myself have encountered infinite stupidity." He stopped near Stiles and patted the boys shoulder, "So to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one." He looked to Stiles again, "Or in Mister Stilinski's case, less than one."

He looked around the room, "Erica, you take the first station. You'll start with," A lot of boys and even a few girls, including April, raised their hands making Mister Harris roll his eyes. "I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mister McCall. Next two, Mister Stilinski and Mister Lahey, Miss Argent and Miss Martin, Miss Ullerup and Mister Greenberg." He listed off.

A boy sat down next to April, "Hi I'm M–"

"Nice to meet you Greenberg." April said rolling her eyes at him.

A few switches later Mister Harris had a timer ring. "If catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at crystal." April made a face as she noticed her reaction was defiantly not a crystal, she looked at Lydia's as she was a few seats away and of course hers was perfect, "Now for the part of that last experiment I'm sure you'll enjoy, you can eat it."

April turned to Lydia as she went to eat hers she noticed something drip. "Lydia!" The strawberry blond turned to Scott.

"What?" She asked he shook his head mumbling a nothing. April glared at him, he was going to save Lydia or she was.

Right when Lydia went to take a bite April called this time, "Hey Berry, as my best friend you want to let me have your crystal," April gestured to her mess of a crystal, "I don't want to die of poison?"

Lydia pondered for a second then handed over the crystal to April. April shot a look to Scott as she took a bite she waited a minute and nothing happened.

April passed the test.


April passed the test? I wonder why ;)

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Mazzattack out xxx

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