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Derek still wanted Lydia dead, but he had a new target. Lydia and April were together the night of the game, they could've been working together to kill the new alpha. To kill all those innocent people.

April starred at Scott as he explained their plan. April was to go to her house, seeing shed have more protection from two alphas rather a group of teenagers, and they would protect Lydia the best they could. In all honesty April didn't want to leave Lydia.

April walked into her family's quiet house, when her grandparents were alive the house was alive, and looked for her parents. Immediately she knew something was wrong she could smell the faint metallic scent of blood.

Her hurried steps come to her parent's bedroom, the door looked as if was ripped off its hinges. "Mom!" April cried as she entered the room and saw her mother– face first on the floor, a slice across the back of her neck and her four deep claw marks running down her cotton dress– and her father next to her mom in almost the same condition yet his chest was slightly moving.

"Dad!" She said running next to him and slowly turning him over, "Da-dad, what ha-hap-happened to you two? What happened to mom? Why isn't she breathing?" April said, tears sliding down her cheeks. Her dad's breathing was heavy and he smiled at his daughter.

"So-so pr-eety, treasure." Her dad whispered, "I-I when i die, don't look at me like th-at y-you know i will, you're gonna become an al-alpha an-and yo-ou." He tried to finish his sentence. his chest slowing until it stopped all together.

"No! No, no, no dad! Mom, please." She sobs, holding her dead parents in her arms, "Please, please don't go. Don't leave me." April whispered around the empty house. "No!" She screams as grabs her phone.


Lydia sat in the car with Allison as the girl drove into Lydia's driveway. Allison turned the car off and turned to Lydia and let out a sigh, opening her mouth to speak only to close it again.

"I need you to promise that you won't say anything about what just happened." Allison said slowly. Lydia let out a scoff.

"I'll promise nor to say anything about what just happened if you tell me what the hell just happened." Lydia said angrily her voice getting softer towards the end.

"It-its kind of complicated."

"Well," Lydia said crossing her arms over her chest, "how about you  start with why Derek was there? Or where Jackson sent, or what's wrong with Erica. Oh, do you need a minute to come up with a plausible lie?"

Allison turned to her best friend, "Part of the reason why I'm asking is because Scott and I aren't supposed to be seeing each other, okay? So its better if you keep what you know to yourself."

"Fine." Lydia said uncrossing her arms and grabbing her stuff, "I'll keep what I know about you and your boyfriend, which is nothing, to myself." Lydia reached to open the door but Allison grabbed her arm.

"Hey. He's not just my boyfriend, you get that right?" Allison said, a firm grip on Lydia.

"Let me go." Lydia said as she tried to get out of Allison's grip.

"Just for second please try and remember–"

"Remember what!" Lydia snapped.

"Remember what it feels like." Allison said slowly. "All of those times in school when, you see him standing down the hall and you.. Cannot breath until your with him."

April stood waiting by Lydia's locker when the bell rang, a smile crosses both of their faces.

"Hey Berry."

"Or those times in class when you-you can't stop looking at the clock because you know that He's standing right out there, waiting for you." Allison finished looking at Lydia with tears in her eyes.

Lydia looked at the door as April stood through the small window making faces at her. Lydia sent a look to the clock.

The bell rang and Lydia jumped out of her seat and opened the door to see April standing there shooting her with  smile.

"Hey Berry."

"Don't you remember what it feels like?" Allison asks.

"No." yes.

"What do you mean no Lydia? You've had boyfriends?" Allison said to her best friend.

"None like th–" Lydia was cut off by 3 police cars and 2 ambulances passing by, "Allison.."

"Yeah, I'm going." The brunette said pulling out of the driveway and after the cars.


April was rocking her parents in her arms back and forth when the police and ambulances had arrived she was heartbroken. The police had tried asking her what happened but she just stood there, parents in her arms, and starred off into space.

It was a struggle when the police men tried to take her away, she kicked, she screamed, then she cried. She fell to the floor in tears, she was wrapped in a blanket and taken to the back to an ambulance.

She wasn't hurt, she didn't need medical help, what she needed was a hug from her mom, a kiss on the head from her father, and what she needed the  sugar cookies shaped in a bat that her grandma would make to cheer her up.

A middle aged woman walked to the ambulance as April sat and cried into her knees. "Hey Pumpkin." Daddy called me that all the time.

April started to cry harder startling the woman, "Sugar, you got a friend here that wants to see you, y'know a Lydia and an Allison?"

April stopped crying for a minute to nod, she didn't have her mom's hugs but she'll settle for a Lydia Martin hug.


So.. Hi? How ya doin , I'm fine. Anyone watch The Walking Dead season 8 premiere? Hot damn.
I had gifs for the 'remember' Parr but my wattpad was freaking out.

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If your reading this comment 'rip Mr and Mrs Adams'

mazzattack out xxx

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