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Lydia Martin

Lydia sat there with April in her arms, and her lips pressed to April's. Tears were streaming down Lydia's cheeks that were flush against April's.

Lydia went to go pull away but a hand met her curly hair, startling her she yelped and jumped away.

April lied on the ground with a smile on her face, "If we went any further Berry, " The girl started with a grin, "you would be guilty of necrophilia."

The stood huffing and wiping herself off. She was angry at April from making her kiss her. She was also angry that April pretended to be dead to get a kiss.

"Oh, c'mon Berry, it was a joke." Lydia turned to April tear stained cheeks and a red nose.

"I didn't think it was funny! " She yelled, "I was scared. Okay, I was scared that maybe I just lost the only person who-who doesn't look at me like I'm broken. The only person who wants to hang out with me. " Lydia was crying again and April's heart shattered.

April made her cry, making April want to cry. "Berry, I'm-"

"No! Don't call me Berry, I'm Lydia Martin." Lydia snapped making April feel bad for upsetting her, "Y'know, I was happy when I picked you up, we ate dinner talk about ourselves. I felt like I had a friend. You're a bitch." Lydia snapped before getting in her car and speeding away.

April stood shocked and heartbroken, "I am a bitch." She mumbled before walking towards her house. Her house that awaited horrible news.

The next day Lydia avoided April at all costs, during that day Allison barely talked to get making her life more miserable. Jackson was being an ass again. He had pushed against the lockers and threatened her, making her have a bruise on her collarbone.

A boy had been arrested from school and Lydia couldn't help but think her life was complete shit.

April had tried to talk to her a little today, after the Jackson accident April stopped talking to her making Lydia even more horrible.

Lydia was walking down the hall to get to a book from her licker when she got shoved to the side. Turning she shouted, "Hey watch where your go-"

"I'm sorry for hurting you Lydia! " Jackson called before running away. Lydia felt confused.

What is Jackson so scared of? The strawberry blonde thought to herself. Lydia slowly turned and walked to where Jackson had just came from. When she turned the corridor April was leaning against the lickers breathing deeply.

Lydia pivoted on her heel and turned to walk away, "I'm sorry, Be-Lydia." The broken voice of April met her ears. Lydia stopped in her place, "Honestly, Lydia, I was messing with you and when you started to cry I thought a kiss would've cheered you up. But.. It didn't I ruined everything." She said looking at Lydia with tears in her eyes.

Lydia stood shell shocked as she listened to April, "An-And then I saw Jackass push you against that wall and I was so pissed I'm such an idiot I'm sorry Berry. " The last part wasn't intended bit it made Lydia's heart skip a beat.

"I-I forgive you, Muffin. " Lydia whispered.


Super short I'm sorry. I have a huge test in Business class coming up and WiFi is down again, so I posted this while I was at McDonalds with Talia.

I will update soon, maybe.

Vote and Comment, I love hearing what you guys have to say.

Mazzattack out ×

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