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It has been a few days since Lydia had freaked out while they were skating and April hadn't been able to visit Lydia because Lydia's mom wouldn't let anyone see the strawberry blond.

Now April sat at a lacrosse game cursing her life, she was worried about her family, worried about Lydia, and now she was worried about all the new betas popping up.

April sighed and grabbed her car keys, she wasn't in the mood to watch her classmates get their butts whooped. As she was leaving she saw Boyd putting on a lacrosse jersey, did Derek know?

She shook her head and continued to the parking lot. When she walked out she noticed Stiles running from a car, and from the car a few sobs.

Curious she walked to the car and saw Lydia crying. April's chest felt as if it was pounding, her heart ripped in two.

"Berry?" She called walking to the closed window, Lydia looked up frightened but calmed down when she noticed it was April.

"What do you want?" She grumbled, "Leave me alone, it's what everyone seems to be doing now." She mumbled the last part and sent April a glare.

"Sorry no can do, Berry, now unlock the passenger door so we can go get some food." She said happily, skipping over to the other door.

Lydia unlocked the door with a sigh and when April got in drove away, a few sniffles had left her catching April's attention, "Hey, Berry what's wrong?" She said reaching over and placing a hand on Lydia's.

Lydia looked up at her with more tears now streaming down her cheeks, "Do you think I'm crazy?" April was shocked by the question and just sat and looked at the crying girl, "You do!" She cried.

April just furrowed her eyes and starred at Lydia, "Have you even noticed me crying?" Lydia said loudly, wiping a few tears.

April still sat and starred at her, "Lydia," her voice was below a whisper catching the voice Lydia looked around thinking April was angry because she only used her real name when she was.

"What?" Lydia said in confusion, when April didn't answer Lydia stopped crying and gave her a look, "What?"

April turned her body to look at Lydia, "Lydia I didn't notice you crying because you look the same as always when you cry." Lydia scoffed.


"No, beautiful."

Lydia looked at her in suspicion, "Oh yeah? Totally I look like Queen B. herself." Lydia said sarcastically. April let out a laugh.

"I think you do, and Berry, you're not crazy." April sighed holding Lydia's hand, "Tell me why you think you cra–"

"Crazy? Why, April you were there you saw what happened the other day? That's not even the half of it either, I'm hearing things an-and seeing things." She whispered then turned to April with hard eyes, "And I'm already convinced I'm crazy, so does everyone else, so why don't you?"

April looked down at her lap, "I don't think you're crazy because of you, I don't think you're crazy because you wouldn't let yourself go crazy Lydia." She looked over to the redhead, "You wouldn't let yourself go crazy because you are to smart, to perfect, to-to, god! Lydia you're not crazy!"

Lydia was quiet, not only because April was right, but because she had realized something.

She was in love with April.


My Babies I love them so much. Okay so it's been established that I will update frequently but they will be short.

Expect an Update tomorrow.

Comment, vote, follow!

Mazzattack out xx

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