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1k? Thanks guys,  extra long chapter today.

After the ambulance had taken Erica to the hospital April hadn't calmed down, she was constantly chewing her nails and glancing at the clock in each of her classes.

Scott McCall, the beta she had met, was the same. After he walked out and saw April catching Erica from falling he took a new found interest in the girl Lydia wouldn't stop talking about.

Now  April, Stiles, Allison, and Scott were seated in the cafeteria. The group invited April to talk about the events going on in Beacon and what they were gonna do after school.

"Well I got the keys to the ice rink." Stiles said sitting down with them, "but now I'm fifty short." The boy said.

"If you need it Mil—"


"—es I could've paid Boyd."

"You remember his name but you can't remember mine?" Stiles said moving his hands in exasperation, no one answered him causing him to roll his eyes.

April's eyes drifted from stiles to the doors of the cafeteria door that swung open, they swung open revealing Erica. A very hot looking Erica. "Woah." She whistled.

Lydia walked over to their table angry slamming her hands down on the table startling Stiles, "What in holy hell, is that?" She said glaring at April. April just shrugged and turned to attention back to Erica as the girl strutted to a freshman at a table, taking his apple and biting into it.

Erica turned to their table sending most of them a glare, then sending a quick wink to April, much to Lydia's disparity.

Then like that Erica was gone. With Stiles and Scott on her trail, or tail.

Lydia turned to April and glared at her, "What's wrong with you?" The strawberry blond said incredulously twisting to sit next to her. April looked to her confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked furrowing her brows. Lydia let out an irritated sigh.

"Are you dating Erica or something? Because that look on your face is something else." Something that should be directed towards me, Lydia thought bitterly.

April let out a laugh "It was lust Berry . And if your jealous, don't be. I would lust after you but you like guys, and besides I like you as a friend." But I'm willing to be more? Lydia thought sadly.

"Jealous? C'mon April, I'm Lydia Martin." She chuckled pathetically. April grinned.

"Good, cause I'm gonna text Erica, see if she wants to hang out." April winked, making Lydia's eyes widen.

"No!" She called, April looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "I mean, no we're all hanging out after school. You promised?" The look of hope on Lydia's face made April feel bad.

"Yeah, Berry, you're right." The brunette put her phone away, "I would never break a promise to you."


Lydia stood in a cold ice rink with her friends, her teeth were chattering and she rubbed her arms for warmth.

"Its cold in here." Lydia stated walking to grab a pair of skates. April snorted.

"Told you to bring a jacket." She sang walking past Lydia and Stiles. Lydia stuck her tongue out at April, "Is that an offering Berry?" Lydia blushed lightly.

Lydia plopped down next to Stiles on the bleachers she shivered again and he offered her his jacket, "No thanks. That's orange." Stiles raised an eyebrow in question, "I'm wearing blue, orange and blue? Not a good combination."

The boy scoffed, "Its the color of the Mets!" Lydia looked at him and he opened his mouth to say something before closing it and huffing. Lydia went back to her shoes, Stiles pulled out a candy bar and offered Lydia some and to his surprise she accepted.

Lydia was twirling on the ice as April watched her in amazement. Once Lydia was finished she looked over to April, smiled and skated over. "Why aren't you skating?" She asked once arriving. April looked up to her in surprise

"I can't skate. Don't wanna make a fool in front of everyone." She shrugged casually before looking down to the phone at hand, "Besides I gotta go soo—"

"I'll teach you." April's head shot up and she looked to Lydia confused.

"Teach me?" She asked in confusion, "Berry, I don't wanna be a fool in front of you." Lydia smiled lightly as April blushed.

April noticed Lydia shiver. April stood and went to her bag to pull out a white jacket she packed because she knew Lydia would probably get cold though out the day. She handed it over to Lydia with a warm grin, "White and blue... Now that's a combination." She winked to Lydia causing the girl to laugh.

April put the jacket over Lydia's shoulder, to focused on putting the jacket on snuggly, she didn't notice how close she was to Lydia's face. Lydia was staring at April's face distractedly she didn't notice the girl staring back at her.

"Berry." She breathed, Lydia hummed before looking at her and stopping shortly and looking her in the eyes.

April reached a hand up hesitantly before bring it to Lydia's bottom lip, Lydia slowly moved her chin to rest on the hand. April swiped at it before smiling softly to, "Smeared your lipstick." Lydia looked a little sad but still smiled back and gave a  thanks.

April grinned and pointed backwards, "I'll go put some skates on." Lydia nodded and skated away.

Just as April was tying her second she she heard mumbling, then she heard someone scream.

She heard her Berry scream.


Okay I lied its actually kinda long, and kinda short.

I'm so happy that Riverdale is back! Comment your favorite scene!

Or just Comment and Vote!


my favorite scene was when Juggie and Betty were in Pop as he was being all cheeky. "I haven't eaten since last night" I feel like if they had, had sex it would've been smug.

Mazzattack out xxx

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