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(Too much to ask by niall horan)

long chapter! ;) (and for reasons in this chapter April will now be 17, and is a junior not a sophomore.)


April sat in the back of Scott McCall's car and starred at the floor. She felt empty, she couldn't believe what she just did, she couldn't believe she turned an innocent person into a monster.


April sat in the ambulance as Lydia and Allison walked to her. Lydia immediately engulfed April in a hug, making the girl only want to cry more. Lydia rubbed her back into the hug and hushed April as the girl cried silently.

Allison decided to asked the first question, "Wh- What happened April?" April moved away from Lydia and dried up her tears.

"My– A-an-and I–I Mom. Dad." Her lips quivered and she started to cry again. Lydia sent a glare to Allison as she rubbed April's back to comfort her.

"Its okay April, you tell us when your ready." Lydia said pulling the girl closer. It broke Lydia's heart to see April in such pain, Lydia wanted nothing more then to hold April until she fell asleep and make sure she was okay.

April took a few calming breaths, "My Mom and Dad are dead." She said gaining a gasp from Allison and a squeeze on the hand from Lydia April looked to the ground and let out a shaky breath, "I-I came home an-and it was to quiet s-so I walked ba-back to my parents room." She started to coke up and tears welled her view again.

Lydia let out a sigh, the strawberry blond wanted to cry for April's lost but this was the time she had to be strong for April, "Its okay, we don't need to know." April nodded sadly, "Do you need a place to stay? My mom won't mind she's out on a date."

April thought for a minute then nodded, it would be best if they were alone– she could tell Lydia the bad news.


April lied on Lydia's bed as she waited for the strawberry blond girl to come back from taking Prada to use the bathroom. Lydia had been gone a while, April was sure it didn't take eighteen minutes to use the bathroom, and was starting to worry.

April slowly walked down the stairs and to the back door of Lydia's house, "Berry?" She called out to the night air, she got no reply making her worry, "Lyd– Oh my god!" She screamed as a body jumped on her back.

Lydia laughed and kissed April's cheek as she hopped down. "Got you!" She called happily and skipped to the kitchen. April gave her an odd look but followed anyway.

"What's got you so happy?" April asked as she hopped up on Lydia's counter. Lydia turned and have her a grin.

"Nothing, just happy to have my best friend here!" The strawberry blonde said as she leaned by April, drinking an odd red juice.

"Thanks Berry," Lydia gave a sheepish grin as a light blush appeared on her cheeks, "For letting me stay with you, and for being here for me." She placed a hand on Lydia's shoulder. "I love you, Berry."

Lydia grinned and jumped up to give April a hug, "I love you too....Muffin." Lydia said happily.

April's smile faltered slightly, "Hey Berry, I've gotta tell you something." She said slowly, Lydia gave her a hum in question. "The Cops, they umh, the said because in not eighteen yet I have to live with my grandma... My grandma who lives in England..." She trailed off.

Lydia furrowed her brows, "So–"

"Yeah I'm leaving Beacon Hills." She said nodding slowly as she pursed her lips. Lydia looked over to her with saddened eyes, the smile now gone –making April wish it was still placed on Lydia's red colored lips.

"I–uhm, let's head to bed. We have school tomorrow." Lydia said as she walked away.


At school Lydia was quiet she barely talked to April. Allison's mom happened to be substituting in one of their classes, the redhead always sending glares to her and Scott McCall. Since the woman was an Argent all April could do was send glares back.

"Hey April, can I ask you a question?" Erica said jogging next to April. April sighed and turned to the girl casting her a glare.

"Why? You wanna know if I'm the Canada?"

"Its a Kanima." She said with a cocky smirk.

"Whatever. Shoot, I don't care." She said as they approached April's locker.

"You smell different. Do you know who the Kanima is? I mean when we tested Lydia you both passed." She said with a shrug. April slammed the door suddenly startling Erica and a few students lockers down.

"You tested my Berry?" She said in a low growl. "You tested Lydia?" She said taking a step closer, scaring Erica to the point where the girl was whimpering.

Erica was shaking now, a faint gold flow coming from her eyes, "Y-Yes, Der-Derek had Isaac t-test her at lun-lunch yesterday."

April let out a low growl, "You go anywhere near her again I will kill you." Erica nodded as tears welled up in her eyes she scurried away and April stomped off to class.


A April was driving  down the highway and towards her house with a grim expression. The Police told her there was no sign of forced entrance so they said it may of been suicide or something else. She just thought it was bullshit.

April looked away from the wheel as her phone vibrated. She got to excided and pressed down of the acceleration making the car speed up a bit. It was a text from Lydia, one that she greedily answered.

"Mom said you could stay in the guest room until school is over, she spoke to the police and they approved." It read. Taking her eyes off the road to respond April wasn't Fast enough.

She hit it before she could respond. Letting out a scream she hopped out of the car and turned to see a woman's body on the ground.


April sat the woman down in her parent's old bedroom. She was freaking out, she wanted to Dall the police but she couldn't it was like a noise in her head was telling her not to.

She raj to the bathroom in search of a first aid kit. She found it under the sink she grabbed some rolls of napkins and went to go run but as she went to leave she saw something red from the corner of her eyes. Turning to the mirror she let out a loud gasp.

Her eyes were red.



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Mazzattack out xxx

p.s the woman she hit is played by Emma Watson

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