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Lydia Martin›

Lydia hadn't seen April since she ran out before the bell and now she was worrying. Lydia wanted to see if April had wanted to go over to Allison's home.

Lydia let out a sigh craning her head to look around for April in the crowd of her peers. Some noticed Lydia looking around and whisper to there friends who would be near them. Lydia sighed and called defeat.

Lydia turned away a strutted over to her locker, opening the door a piece of nicely folded paper fell out.

Family emergency, had to leave early. Hang tomorrow, I'll txt you! xx April
P.s hope I didn't worry you Berry. ;)

Lydia smiled at the note and continued to grab her stuff.


April Adams

Scott stayed with April for a while before saying he had to go help someone. April thought nothing of it.

So far there had only been one lycan at Beacon and no hunters. April still had no explanation for what happened- she hadn't lost control like that for years.

April waited a few minutes after school but when her grandma and grandpa didn't show for fifteen minutes she started walking towards the long dirt road that led to her house.

April hadn't walked a few minutes before a blue Toyota Prius parked next to her. In the driver side Lydia sat with a grin.

"Hey beautiful, need a lift? " She asked. April let out a laugh and decided to play along.

"Sorry, ma'am, my momma taught me not to talk to strangers. " Lydia let out a short laugh before popping open her Prius car door.

"I won't tell if if you won't?" April grinned and hopped into the car.


Lydia and April decided to get some dinner at a local restaurant. The drive was quiet and calm, but the diner was havoc.

"Let's just eat, and get the hell out of here. " April had stated.

They ate then left and now they were on the thirty minute drive to April's home.

"So tell me about yourself, Apie? " Lydia asked with a cringe, "I'll work on that. "

April let out a laugh, "I'm sure you will, Berry. " Lydia sent her a playful glare, "what would you like to know?"

Lydia pretended to think for a moment, "Favorite food?" she asked.

"Easy. Berries." Lydia broke out into giggles, "I'm kidding, I love muffins. "

Lydia stopped laughing at looked to her, "That's it!" Lydia squealed. "I shall call you Muffin! "

"You make me sound like a cat. "

"Quiet, Muffin, anyone you like at Beacon. A special boy?" April let out a lot laugh and Lydia looked at her in confusion. "What?" She said with an eye roll.

"Berry, I like girls. "


Yay! Okay so in honor of TW ending the book I will be making is gonna be split I two. A Scott McCall/Derek, and an Allison Argent! Super excited.

Okay this is my first time this is my first trailer, hope you enjoy! Be sure to vote and comment your thoughts!

Mazzattack out!

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