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Her blonde locks sat comfortably on her shoulders, her make up made to perfection, the steam emerging from her freshly brewed tea making her look poetic in some sort of way, it's like she belonged in my mothers living room, like she was part of the art work my mother had bought back from London. Me and Robbie hid behind the walls by the staircase like when we were younger trying to catch Santa Claus on Christmas.
"I didn't mean to bother you guys"
She spoke smoothly this time her eyes falling on her tea, I looked down at the clothes I had been wearing yesterday, my hair a mess and my life a mess and she was all kept together, Patricia was those type of women that woke up before sunrise just to get ready to go grocery shopping, after all, she was my guidance counselor, I knew her a lot more then I had wanted to.

"I just wanted to invite you to a special event I will be hosting at my home tomorrow" she smiled slighly. My mother perked up, she loved events, she desired them. "Oh! A special occasion!" She exclaimed "'may I ask what we will be celebrating!" She was like a little kid in Easter, Patricia smiled calmly and took a sip of her tea "it's a surprise, just wanted to let you know to come by, bring your children too, if you'd like...." she sort of said it like a lie, I rolled my eyes and scoffed "as if" Robbie shushed me.

"Well it was nice of you to come by and invite us, we will see you soon" my mother chanted as she closed the door, i almost fell over running down the steps. My mother glanced over at both me and Robbie and sighed "it's uneducated to eavesdrop" I rolled my eyes and walked towards the kitchen "it's uneducated to come into the home of the women who had an affair with your husband but I don't see you giving Patricia a hard time" I spoke as I poured myself a cup of hot chocolate.

"Oh now you talk so freely of it"

My mother spoke from the living room, I raised my cup and walked out the glass doors to the patio, I sat in one of the lounge chairs and looked up at the sky, Robbie peeped through the door before walking outside and sitting next to me. "You going" he asked nonchalantly, I scoffed and took a sip of my cup.

"Yeah, of course"

He started laughing and rolled his eyes "you love drama don't you" I smirked "as long as I'm not involved"
I wondered if jake knew about this 'special event' and if so, had he urged Patricia not to invite us. I guess how we ended he didn't even want to see me and I couldn't blame him, it was messy. I didn't want to hurt him....there were a lot of things happening in my life that I didn't want him to be involved in, my father had passed away and I had no mind to give myself into him like I had really wanted.
For now there was no space in my mind where I could fit our relationship while trying to get over the pain of the loss of my father.
I love him but it's not the right moment to be thinking of what we could  be.
He's got a wife
He moved on.
"Kataleah are you ready?"
My mother shouted through the hallway, I gave my outfit one last glance before grabbing my clutch and swiftly opening the door, Robbie peeked through the bathroom door and smirked
"damn sis looking like you are about to raise hell!"
I smiled "I hope that's a good thing".

People from all over town were stepping into Patricia and jakes home like high schoolers going to the first party of the year, it looked like Patricia didn't want to leave anyone out for this occasion, I glanced over at some of my old class mates, those who were beyond scared to leave this town. As I stepped inside a waiter passed by with a tray full of champagne, I quickly grabbed one and infiltrated the crowd, there were a lot of people here and finding myself in this home required for me to intake a lot of alcohol....a lot.
I glanced around at the paintings on their walls and the furniture and all the life that jake was willing to sacrifice for me. I came back to become chaos for Patricia all over again, she truly loved jake and I couldn't take him away again, the first time I was selfish and ignorant and such a foolish girl but I had matured since then and I knew the difference between right and wrong, back then I saw this as a game, as part of some soap opera from the t.v, having jake in my arms gave me a rush that I could never explain and I was also undeniably in love with him but I caused a lot of damage in this little town.

"Woah, I didn't even know you were in town!" I turned on my heel at the sound of that familiar voice, he was much taller now, his tan skin making him glow inside this river of gloomy people, his bright eyes and bright smile making you feel at home when in his presence.
"Chai kanaka"
His smirk turned into a wide grin as he wrapped his arms around my medium frame, he smelled amazing and I couldn't help but close my eyes and take him in. "I missed you so much, I had no idea you had come" he cheered looking at me up and down "yeah....my father" I muttered, his eyes dimmed slightly "oh.....sorry for your lost kataleah, he was a great man" he assured.
Chai kanaka was the first guy I ever laid eyes on, 5th grade Montgomery middle school, we used to share cubbies, he was as enchanting as he was now and for everything that it's worth,my first boyfriend and the man I promised to marry before I met jake.
The truth is I had broken this guys heart into a million pieces, I was his everything and as selfish as I was, I took that away from him.

"You look amazing!" He exclaimed, changing the subject, I couldn't help but blush slightly, he was a homebody, he always made things better, I am glad I got to see him again.
"Excuse me, me? Amazing? You are a model chai" i giggled, he laughed, his voice deep and raspy, bringing happiness into whoever hears it.

"Excuse me everybody!"
Patricia screamed as she repeatedly hit her glass with a fork catching everyone's attention.
"Thank you so much for all of you to take time of your days to accept my invitation, it is an honor for you to be present in me and jakes humble home" she cleared her throat
"Ofcourse I didn't bring you out here just to waist your time, I have some incredible news that I have wanted to share with you but ofcourse I couldn't have done it without my husbands presence"
As those words left her lips, jake walked through the doors, looking around like he had just seen a ghost.
Something in me tells me he had no idea this was happening.
"All you guys make this town, waking up in the crack of sunshine to harvest our great vegetables and fruits"
She nodded towards the mayberries, one of the farmer family here.
"And some of you to teach"
She smiled towards a group of familiar faces who in the past had been my high school teachers
"And even though some of us may not be present today"
She acknowledged my mother who was holding onto a glass of champagne
"I'm glad that we are all here for my announcement"
I rolled my eyes and put my glass down and fixed my eyes back on her.
"I'm pregnant"

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