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the two sat across from each other in complete silence, while the rest of the bistro buzzed away with the new york noice, not a word was uttered from the pair. she wanted to reach over and hold his hand, she wanted him to snap into the reality that she wanted but he stood as far as he could like she would explode, like if touching her would burn his skin. "talk to me please" she pleaded, she was on the edge of a breakdown and the silence was only pushing her further. he sighed and looked at his surroundings, avoiding eye contact as much as he could.

jake was raised to be a gentleman, never rude, never hurtful but in some ways he had wavered slightly from his path. his parents had been married for 20 years, no betrayals, no lies. "this is my fault" he paused "i shouldve left a long time ago" she broke into a sob. jake looked down at his hands, guilt surging through his veins and landing on his heart, dragging it down to his feet. "how could you do this to me" she wiped her tears quickly "i have your child growing inside of me!" she shouted, catching the attention of some people sitting nearby. 

he took it though, he sat still and heard her, he listened to her pain, the one he had caused. he wanted to reach over and hold her hand now but  he didnt know if that was okay, to hold his wife's hand, he didnt know if she would allow him to. he felt horrible, there was so much he could've done to prevent this, for starters not even get involved with kataleah but falling in love with her was  inevitable and he couldn't help how human he was. that was no excuse though and he knew that. "look, i fucked up" he reached over for her hands and suprisingly she didnt fidget away "i want to be there for you and my child but i cant lie to you anymore" he had tears of his own slipping down his cheeks now "i love you don't doubt that, i would help you through anything and trust me my child will always come first".

she snatched her hands away and took a deep breath, she looked around as if in shame and wiped her tears quickly, she reached for the glass of water. "you are going to regret this so much" she whispered narrowing her eyes at jake "for hurting me and hurting our relationship" she hissed "for allowing that tramp to get into our relationship they way she did and destroying us!" she stood up quickly and grabbed her belongings "you think your actions dont have consequences and you're mistaken" jake tried grabbing her hand as she stormed off but it was too late. 


kataleah entered her apartment, the work day was exhausting, updating workers and finishing up backed up work from her absence. above all that stress what worried her the most was if she would arrive to an empty home or to jake. both made her cringe, if he wasn't there it meant that she would loose him once again but finding him there would mean he chose her and she didn't know which one was worse. she greeted the doorman and walked to the lobby of her building, she clicked the elevator button to her apartment, she wanted to strip and just go to bed, not think of anything for days but she couldn't, she was kataleah, she had the world on her shoulders.

once in the elevator, she snatched her heels off and let her hair loose from the pin that had been holding her together all day. she looked over her phone, anxiety settling in the pit of her stomach, her palms grew moist, her eyes watching the elevator get closer to her floor.  what would she do if he was there...what if he wasn't. she couldn't take it, she needed a drink or something to take the edge off and she came to the painful conclusion that this is what Chris felt before arriving home, maybe that's why he ran to women and alcohol and drugs, maybe he couldn't bare it all. she shook the thought out of her mind and stepped into her apartment, it was silent bringing tears to the brim of her eyes, he had chosen Patricia. relief came crashing through her body, guilt washing away lightly. 

she dropped her bag and walked towards her bar and grabbed the wine bottle, she stared at it for long before setting it back to its place. she didn't need that, she needed her friends, she needed to cry, tears slipped down her cheeks but she held it together. she heard some steps coming towards the hallway, she let out a loud gasp from her throat at the sight.

she ran into his arms yelping, she couldn't understand what was happening, she embraced him tightly, air coming back to her lungs, she didn't want to let go. "hey" he spoke softly, she closed her eyes and took in his scent, that familiar scent. "what is going on" she pulled away, he looked pained, he had tears rolling down his cheeks as well, she looked into his eyes to see if she could find answers that maybe could explain, she expected to be alone in that apartment tonight, nothing but her sorrow, yet here he stood. 

"dad" she sniffled "what the hell!" 

she pushed him away quickly "what the hell dad!" she exclaimed once again "you were dead!' she yelled "we buried you" her voice echoed throughout her apartment. he bit his bottom lip as he looked at his wrecked daughter. "what is going on?" there were so many questions flying through her mind, she saw them lowering his casket into the ground, did her mother know? "kataleah we have alot to talk about" he paused "i never thought i would be here doing this but i need your help". she looked back at the wine bottle she had reluctantly let go of, she took a deep breath and looked back at her father, her body growing cold, ghoosebumps growing through her skin. "what has happened" she whispered. 


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