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Media: Nick Jonas - Jealous

Coe's POV

"No, we do not negotiate on the goddamn unit price." Jared seethed. 

I stared tentatively at my best-friend-now-lover, who was leaning back on his chair, his chin tilted up in an arrogant sneer. I felt a slightly chill down my spine as I regarded the power that was radiating from his body language. It was in moments like these that I realise just how dangerous Jared could be, and how attracted I was to it. 

"How long have you been working for me, Lewis?" Jared asked, his eyes becoming dark and critical. 

"Six years, boss." Lewis answered, sparing a hesitant glance in my direction. 

I offered him a weak, encouraging smile, knowing Jared well enough to know that something Lewis has said and set him off into a terrible mood, and Lewis was probably going to bear the brunt of his temper right here, right now. 

I know what Lewis was silently hoping I would do with that look he had sent my way. He wanted me to say something to Jared to distract him from the obviously stupid question that he had just asked 15 seconds ago. 

It seems, in the months that we have been officially together, the men working for Jared not only got used to my presence and our relationship status, but they have also started to realise that having me around might actually be good for them. For one, these manipulative bastards have been making use of me to distract Jared from reaching the peak of his temper. 

"And you made Captain how long ago?" Jared asked, looking my way and lifting a brow at me before he turned back to Lewis with furrowed brows. 

"Four and a half years ago, boss." Lewis answered quickly, his eyes scanning Jared's fingers that were drumming against his desk impatiently. 

I could see Jared gritting his teeth before he hummed. 

"I'm sorry, sir. I know better than to ask about any price negotiations. I have a handle on this, no problem sir. There will be no issues with the transaction." Lewis hurried to explain himself. His gaze darted towards me briefly, but I sat glued to my seat, holding my breath. 

There was that look in Jared's eyes that I have learnt over the years, that meant that he was just about to lose his temper, and if you stand in his way, he would rip you to shreds. I wasn't about to place myself in front of Lewis to protect him from the mess that he dug himself even though I cared for Lewis and I know that I could do something for him. I mean, Lewis needed to understand that even if Jared let's me distract him from his temper now, he would most definitely return me the favour in the bedroom, and I was still feeling sore from the round we had this morning. 

"Don't make me regret my decision to make you Captain." 

Lewis bowed his head immediately, "Of course, boss. I will not disappoint you." 

Jared grunted, nodding his head towards the doors, indicating that Lewis was dismissed. 

Lewis didn't even hesitate. He nodded his head respectfully, before he spun around on his heels, giving me one last relieved look, before he sped towards the door. 

"And Lewis?" Jared drawled. 

I watched as Lewis froze, his hands just inches from the door. He turned to face Jared with a anxious look on his face at the tone that Jared was using, "Yes boss?" 

"Next time, keep your eyes on me when I'm talking to you." Jared leaned forward on his desk, clasping his hands together with an unimpressed look, "I'd hate to have to look for a new Captain because you're laying dead somewhere in a ditch with your eyeballs gouged out." His eyes darted towards me, indicating that he had seen the pleading looks that Lewis had given me just now.

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